YOU ARE READING 7 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs (𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓼) Random ,ℐ𝒯'𝒮 ℬℰℰ𝒩 𝒮ℰ𝒱ℰ𝒩 ℳℐ𝒩𝒰𝒯ℰ𝒮 𝒩𝒪𝒲 𝒮ℐ𝒩𝒞ℰ ℐ ℒ𝒪𝒮𝒯ℳ𝒴 𝒲𝒜𝒴 "I'm not even sure why you like me. I don't even like me." "Well if that's true then you need to focus less in who you like and more on liking yourself." "I don't know how to do... #beautiful #dc #disney #fandom #gifs #marvel #movies #questions #quotes #shows #spn #teenwolf #tvshows Interview 69 1 0 by thesupernaturalTeen by thesupernaturalTeen Follow Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story {Billie Eilish}+ + Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Billie when the interviewer ask about you. "Yeah,actually (y/n),has all my songs memorized by heart."+ "Well,its that cute." + Billie smiled,tilting her head to the side. "Yeah,it really is."+ (36)+