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Forth and his friends arrived at the medical faculty and they just parked a little farther from the foodcourt while they all stayed on their bikes.

Forth just stares at the building where the medical food court is located and its almost end of lunch break when the three medical students went out of the building looking so happy and seems to be teasing each other.

Lam and Max looked at Forth when the taller guy rounded his arm on the pale mans shoulder while the dimpled guy is teasing them.

Forths eyes are directly focused on the group while they are walking towards the building until he can no longer see them.

They still stayed for a while and Forth seems to be lost in his thoughts when Lam called him.

"Forth? Our class will be starting" Lam reminded him carefully and Forth just drive away without saying anything.

They have been doing the same thing for two weeks now and Forth's friends are just silently following him around whenever he will go to medical after they have their lunch.

They will also return to engineering right after they have seen the pale man's group leaving after their lunch.

"How long will he do this?" Max asked to no one in particular.

"Until he can accept to himself that he is just making a fool of himself for being a coward" Tul answered.

All their friends just sighed in frustration and defeat with the impossible situation Forth has put himself into.

The engineering gang are on their usual hang out place in the mall when they saw the casanova and the last year's campus moon at the cafe opposite to them.

They look like on a date without Kit and Forth look at the two figures intently who seems to be so lost in each others charm while talking.

Forth is not even batting an eyelash while watching them as he drink his black coffee.

His friends just stayed quite while they all keep on glancing at the opposite cafe. Their heart would constrict everytime Forth flinched when the casanova would laugh heartily to what the last year's campus moon would say to him.

This is a clear torture on Forths part, they maybe just assuming everything about Forths feelings towards the heartless casanova but all are so clear in their eyes.

How Forths eyes would get misty when he will see the casanova with the tall man and how he would flinch and how hope is written all over his face everytime his phone would receive a message but he will automatically looked defeated when he will realize that its not the message that he has been waiting.

Forth is just a fool and maybe a coward but who could blame him if he is dealing with the heartless casanova.

"Lets hang out in the bar after this" Forth said after a while of silence.

They all went to the bar and Forth becomes uncontrollable with his alcohol intake. He would take alcohol like water and his friends are all worried with his impulsiveness.

"Forth lets get you to your dorm" Lam cautiously reminded him.

"Nooo...lllets rrrace...callll... the gang.." Forth ordered even if he is already slurring his words.

His friends gasped when they heard what Forth wants.

"Forth you are drunk, you cant race" Tul exclaimed exasperatedly. They are all worried with Forths impulse today.

"Nooo... I waaant to rrracee...! Lllets...race.." Forth exclaimed with his loud voice.

"Fuck Lam, stop him, what he is planning is suicide" Park said worriedly. Forth cannot even stand up, how will he race?

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