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I watched as the ink turned from shapes into words, 'hi' it was short but sweet. I didn't know whether to say something back or if that was enough for today, in the haste of the moment I took out my black pen again and raised it to my arm, 'are you okay?' I thought it was best seeing the amount of injuries over the past couple of years. 'Just going through some stuff, I'm sorry you have to go through it too.' I pouted at this reply, what kind of stuff do you have to go through to get this hurt?

'Who are you' engraved itself into my arm, 'my names Y/N and I'm 18, you?' I thought I might as well tell this stranger who I was since we were supposedly soulmates. 'My names Yoongi, I'm 19.' I spoke his words aloud and whispered softly whilst his name rolled off my tongue. I felt another tingling as a message came up on my other arm this time, 'got to go, speak later.'

I was a little upset for the abrupt ending to our short conversation, but I suppose I had a long list of nothing to do.

"Y/N I'm home" I heard my mum shout from downstairs. Then I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs, I took out my notebook and pretended to be writing something for school, she never liked it when I was doing nothing when I could be working. Her head poked round the door, "I'm going out with a few friends, tell your dad when he gets in." Then she left. It was practically all she ever said to me anymore, but her and dad kept arguing, he didn't like when she kept leaving because he thought she was cheating. I never knew what to believe.

Just like I had been doing for months now, I trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and looked inside at the bright, white light which was blinding me. "I'll have to order a pizza again" I whispered to myself.

I took out my phone and dialled the number which I knew all too well. I was met by a gruff voice on the other end. I ordered my usual and then hung up, picking up an apple from the almost-empty bowl of fruit that we had for no reason at all.

I tiptoed into my parents bedroom and heard my mum laughing as she slammed the front door shut, she was probably on the phone to one of her friends. "Goodbye?" I shouted after her.

The doorbell rang and I answered it to a mint-haired boy with a bandage covering his right leg, I thought nothing of it as I thanked him and payed for my pizza. I smiled as I saw writing up his arm, knowing that he had been talking to whoever his soulmate could be.

As I sat watching Tv and eating my fifth pizza of the week I thought about where in the world my soulmate could be, was it too soon to talk again?

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