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Camila's Pov
I woke up with a smile in my face. Since i went home late i think its time to tell mamita.

"Good Morning Mamita!!"- i greeted her and gave her a hug

"Good Morning Mija.. Youre in a good mood huh? I wonder why"- She asked and i smiled widely

"Ok so i need to tell you something Mamita but first sit down"- i said and she giggled

She gave me the Banana Pancakes that she made.

"So Mamita I want to tell you something but dont react"- An she nodded

"Ok so i almost perfected all of my exams and im the class rank 1"- i said and i look at her she is not reacting.

"You can react now mamita"- i said and she was like tearing up or something."Oh my! i told you You can do it!!!"- she said and hugged me

"Thank you"- i mumbled and she looked at me "Thank you because you stayed and you've believe that i can. Thank you because even though im a disgrace you've let me entered your house."- i said and she held my hand and squeezed it

"I am so proud of you Mila. And Im sure your girlfriend will be proud of you"- My eyes widened. "Mamita? I dont have girlfriend "- i said

"I thought Doctor Y/N Alfonso is your girlfriend?"- I choke when she said that. I heard her giggle.

"You think I do not know that You Like her huh"- she said seriously "Its ok With me you are matured now Mija and i love her for you she's a good woman"- i smiled as i heard those words.

"I love you Mamita"- i said and she hugged me "I love you too Mija"- she said.

I heard a loud beep outside "Mamita Robi is Here!! Bye"- I said and get my things "Careful ok! I love that Kid too but i dont trust her driving!"- Mamita yelled

"Mamita I heard that! dont be mean!"- Robi yelled and pouted

"Take care of her! Ms. Mitchell!"- She yelled and Robi nodded

Robi gave me the helmet and i ride

"lets go"- i said and Started driving her Motorbike.
"Call me if you are about to go home and if you need a ride ok?"- she reminded "As always Bye Robs!"- i said and kissed her cheek

I went inside the hallway and i saw the other students looking and whispering.

"Oh my god Seriously? She's dating Ms. Alfonso what a shame"- the girl with a Blue skirt said

I frowned what the fuck?

I saw Tori and Dinah Running towards me.

"Camila! Someone Uploaded this Video!"- Tori said and showed it to me. It was me and Y/N in the Lab.

"And Look for the Caption Chancho"- Dinah said

"She is the Ranked one because she's dating Ms. Alfonso"

"Do you believe that im dating her?"- i asked and they shook their head

"Ms. Alfonso was close mostly to all student. She is inviting some of the students to the lab sometimes to tutor them And i am one of them so thats impossible"- Tori said

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