y/nPOV: i decided to talk to hayley. i called her, but it went straight to her voicemail. i sighed and decided to sleep it off.
i woke up and got some breakfast. i ate and decided to talk to hayley in person instead. i got my keys and drove to her house. i knocked on her door and she opened it. once she noticed it was me she rolled her eyes and went to shut the door. i held the door open "i just want to talk i'm not here to yell at you" she gave in and we went to her room. "so you're on his side huh?" "he has a name you know" why is she like this? "look, ok payton said you kissed him, just tell me the truth" "you won't understand" i sighed "i've been your friend for years how would i 'not understand'?" she talked me through the whole situation. "why though?" she shrugged her shoulders. "you knew he was my boyfriend, why?" "i don't want to talk about it ok?" i left her alone and went to starbucks to get a coffee.i posted on my story
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i decided to not talk about our relationship on social media as i didn't want to have to go through all the tea pages and dramas. i decided to just have a break and have some me time.
i went home and decided to talk to my mom. "hey" (a/nyourmomdidn'tknowaboutthesituationyet)i told her about everything "i thought hayley was such a lovely girl" "according to pay, she's a bitch" i realised i hadn't talked to noen and thought i should. i facetimed him "heyyy" "damn girl you look tired as heck" i laughed slightly "just going through ALOT" "tell me" (a/nifeellikei'm'explainingthesituation'likeatrilliontimesbutherwegoagainlmao)"wow" "but like what should i do?" he told me to go with my heart and my heart says pay. but hayley has been my best friend forever. she was doing the wrong thing though. it's not like she didn't know we were together. all that friendship down the drain. wow. all of my closest relationships have been pushed and pulled.
i wanted to get this sorted. i called hayley "what now y/n?" "you did the wrong thing don't act all sassy at me" she scoffed. "look ok i think we need a break or something because you obviously think ok to do these things to people and expect them to fine and not mad at all" she replied angrily "fine" i hung up. i talked o myself "well that didn't go as well as i thought it would" paytonPOV: i wondered how y/n was going so i called her "how are you?" "can i vent to you?" i need to be there for her now, more than i was before . "we should do this in person" i agreed and drove to her house. i knocked on her door and she ran into my arms obviously upset. i picked her up and span her around.