Chapter 28

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"Oh! Chuuya you're back!" Mori welcomed the redhead who's entering his dark room. Kouyou on the other side was shocked of seeing him as he tried to reach Chuuya with her open arms but he moved away to avoid it intently.

Kouyou clutched her chest as she looked at Chuuya who's looking down at his feet, "Where have you been?"

"His prince saved him, Kouyou. No need to figure it out." Mori clasped his hand on the table as he eyes Chuuya who's hiding his bloodshot eyes under his fedora hat. He was slid into his usual outfit and the there's also a suitcase beside him.

"You mean Dazai?" Kouyou gasped as she was about to approach again Chuuya but he let his ability form a barrier like gravity so Kouyou won't ever touch him.

Kouyou just lowered her head. She knows how mad Chuuya was to him and also to Mori who's the barrier for the two former partners.

"Boss," Chuuya's hoarse voice echoed through the entire space of the room and that gave Kouyou a shiver but Mori just smiled as if he's expecting a good news to him.

"Yes, Chuuya-kun?"

"I'll accept your offered mission to take encharge of our business in Russia. Just don't laid a finger nor harm Dazai also his comrades." said the redhead who's fighting the urge to take his words back because he really don't like to live in Russia. He just want to stay in Yokohama all of his life until he dies. But he haven't a single choice.

He don't have any...

"Tell Higuchi to prepare for my flight later. I want to leave as soon as possible."

Mori was surprised but then he later then smile at the redhead, "Okay, Chuuya-kun. Let me handle everything." Mori assured as he walked towards Chuuya and gave him a hug. "Congratulations. You did your best as one of executive. Therefore, this opportunity was to spread and influence some people to become one of us. Don't worry, I'll going to visit you every month. Kouyou will lend you a hand there. She will help you in any ways she can help."

"Sure," Chuuya just answered and broke the hug with Mori who's faking his smiles.

"Thank you, Chuuya-kun."

"It's your order. I'm just doing my job."

After that, Mori told Kouyou to prepare a lunch for the redhead. Once the two of them was out of Mori's room, Kouyou still tried to approach him and she was relieved when he didn't gave her sign that he's not allowing her.

"Chuuya-kun, I'm sorry. I really don't mean to take you away from Dazai-kun..."

"It's okay, Ane-san."

"By the way, are you really sure of this? Did Dazai-kun knows all about this?"

"No. I didn't tell him."

"Then how---"

"I left and just told him to wait for me. It's up to him if he's willing to wait."

"Chuuya-kun, are you really okay with that? I know how you gain so much pain all this years."

"I told you. I'm fine!" Chuuya just hissed and that made Kouyou shut her mouth and just followed the redhead but she furrowed her forehead when she noticed that Chuuya walked towards the opposite direction. They're suppose to go to dinning area.

"Are you still going to eat?"

"I'm going to visit a friend. I'm just quick."


ADA building

"Oi! Dazai! Don't slack around next time! You know we're always here for you, dumbass!" Kunikida slapped Dazai's arm as the other ADA members just sighed but the brunette just laughed to annoy his partner again.

Their worriness vanished as they saw Dazai who enters the office with a wide smile like usual. They wish that nothing will happen to him after this...

All of them just ignored what happened and didn't ask about it. They know that Dazai can't explain a proper explanation and just laugh about it so they won't bother to ask how he escape that day. How he saved Chuuya? How he entered the Port Mafia base by himself? How he can still stand with the wound?

How can he still do all of it despite of his worsened situation?

How strong Dazai is?

And also they should consider of how much he was through the whole time and it's his own privacy. No one should step on the line where Dazai created. Only him, Chuuya and his past.

Dazai sat on his usual seat facing his usual desk and PC to make his report that turns out to pass the responsibility to Atsushi. He's lazy as ever and nothing will change about it.

" have a lot of task! I can't just make tons of report right now!"

Dazai rested his head on his both palms and leaned on the swivel chair.
"Oh, well, just leave it there."

"DAZAI! MAKE YOUR REPORT OR ELSE---" before Kunikida could lash out, everyone gathered around and ask Dazai if they can do something.

"Oh~ How thoughtful! Anyway, you can do all my reports! Thank you~"


"Oi! Kunikida, let them be. They just want to help Dazai just this time. You know how Dazai was through these passed few days. You should consider." Yosano hit Kunikida using the rolled newspaper as they watched the whole ADA who's thoughtfully
doing Dazai's left task but it makes Kunikida's blood boils. He can't just watch Dazai slack around so he facepalmed and just get back to work.

Therefore, he tried to help him in the end. He's just going to consider him this time but he will never help him ever after this.

On the other hand, Dazai tiptoed towards the exit and headed to the Café down next to their office. He sat on the counter as he saw the waitress that he used to cling on.

"Oh, Dazai-san! You're back!"

"Of course, I'm back! My Bella Donna~" Dazai started to flirt with the waitress who rolled her eyes on him. She gave Dazai his usual coffee as she sat beside him.

"What happened, Dazai-san?" she asked seriously but she just met his smiling annoying face.

"Nothing, my Bella Donna!" Dazai said cheerfully as he sipped on his mocha coffee.

"Nope. It's not nothing. I heard this to Kunikida-san that you're having a trouble because of this small guy who's your lover. Right?"

Dazai suddenly spilled the coffee but thankfully he's not facing the waitress and she's also expecting that.

"W-what? Oh...that's nothing...haha...don't listen to that cracked head Kunikida. He's just blabbering something about me because he haven't a single
experience about love life! Haha!"

"Ohh~ sorry, Dazai-san. I'm not really fond of believing you. Be serious. I know you're in pain after all."

"My bella donn---"

"You think I'm going to believe you, Dazai-san?"

Dazai tried to smile like usual but he failed as his shoulders collapsed. He used to be close with the waitress not just on clinging to her but when Dazai felt so down.

Dazai told her about what happened as he forced not to feel weak. He rested his elbows on the counter as his other hand managed to drink the last gulp of his coffee.

He was about to walked out but the waitress once spoke again.

"Don't lose hope, Dazai-san. Maybe something wonderful was about to happen. Just wait for it." The waitress smiled and so he just have her a light smile, too.

"Thank you! My bella donna!" Dazai chuckled before finally stepping outside the Café as the bell chime ranged.


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