Just Read, Please...

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Hello, everyone, thanks for clicking on this book! Before we start, however, I'd just like to fill you in on this story's content and make a few things clear...


There will be gun violence in a few scenes. Nothing overly graphic or above TV-14 level, but consider yourselves warned. 

Some swearing, multiple uses of hell, damn, Piss, bastard, ass, all the other ones on the more minor scale, and a few explicits (very rare.) PG-13 level.

Some references and instances of romance and sex, but this is very mild. Nothing above PG-13 (could easily pass as PG from what I've seen of today's sitcoms.)

There is a recurring theme of depression and being mentally ill, however, there is no self-harm/and or suicidal actions or attempts. There is some self-hatred, which could be a sensitive subject, but it is not severe by any means. PG-13 level. 

Some deaths, nothing too gory. PG-13. 


Since this is set in 1951, there will be some discriminating and racist speech about African Americans, Russians, Germans, and other races. It should be noted this is only to remain authentic to history, I find people of all races and countries wonderful and equal and I hate that it was ever a part of history and, sadly, still is today. The same applies to the sexism in the book. 

If you disagree with any of my ratings, please let me know and I will consider fixing it depending on the complaint. Nothing in this book has content above a TV-14 level. 


To all the amazing people of Dayton and eastern Colorado and rural Kansas and every other place this book features, I apologize for the creative liberties I took when describing them. I tried to remain accurate to the place and to history, but, since I don't have a time machine, this wasn't 100% possible. (I managed to get the correct newspaper headline for June 10th, though.) So...I did my best. 

Obviously, this book is copywrited. Don't steal any part of it, I mean it. (even though that illegal Vietnamese website did anyway)

Obviously again, if you liked a chapter, vote and if you have anything to say (questions, constructive criticism, random thoughts, praise--I want to know! Tell me all your opinions! I think that's everything! I'll let you get to it!

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