Chapter 12

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  We were still staring. Harry licked his lips with seduction as if dirty thoughts were running through his mind. I just watched. I watched every moment he made.

  He ran one hand through his hair. I bit my lip watching him closely.

  "Don't talk to me like that." He warned still looking into my eyes.

  "Or what?" I snapped back. He smirked.

  "Getting a little defensive, huh?" He questioned. "You wanna find out?" He asked raising an eye brow.

  "Like your ass will do anything." I spoke without thinking, regretting it soon after. Harry darkly chuckled, still looking in my eyes. Making it feel as if he could read my every thought. I stared back trying not to show any trace of fear that I was actually feeling.

  Harry was now done with his chuckle. Now there was only a smirk across his face as he stared. "We'll see about that" I watched him. Waiting to see what he would do. And then I felt it. A sharp pain across my cheek. He slapped me.

  "Still wanna fuck with me sweetheart?" I heard him chuckle. My cheek was throbbing from the slap. "Thats what I thought." He said as he made his way to his room. He left me standing there all by myself.

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