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The pacifier mentioned last chapter ^

Samantha's POV 

A couple of hours later i had managed to keep him hydrated along with half of the container of porridge that he luckily managed to keep down.

Not gonna lie feeding an ill sleepy boy porridge wasn't one of the best idea I've had.

As I was cleaning up the mess that the porridge had made I noticed that the boy has starting shaking again despite the slight decrease of his temperature.

Sighing in sympathy I got up and re wrapped him in the blanket, the noise of content that he made of the sudden wrath made me smell  before i went back to cleaning the rest of the mess.

Standing up with a stretch in notice that the time was getting closer to lunch time and without noticing i had been ignoring my obvious on coming hunger.

Looking back at the teen who was soothingly sucking on the pacifier i decided if leaving him to get lunch was a good idea or not.

Distracting myself I unpacked some of the stuff i had brought from my room.

It didn't take long for my grumbling stomach to win as the annoying feeling of hunger got stronger as the minutes went by.

Letting out a small groan of annoyance, i ran my hand through my ran, and with one last check of the young teen I was off in the hunt to quench the beast in my stomach. 

. . . . . . . . . .

Tyler's POV 

My first thoughts as I start to wake up is how comfortable i am.

The second is how shit I fell, mentally and physically.

The third is how disgusting my mouth tasted. I mean what the fuck have I been doing? Even after a night of partying and taking whatever I can get my hands on I don't feel half as bad as I do now.

Opening my eyes is an instant regret as the sudden glare of the sun make my head start to pound and my breathing start to pick up when the feeling of nausea hits me harder than Chris Brown hits women making me slam my eyes shut.

A whimper bubbles up in my throat as the feelings don't go away but i quickly swallow it down when I feel something in my mouth.

Not wanting to open my eyes again I give the object an experimental suck before exploring said object with my tongue.

I frown as I my tongue glides along a soft rubbery surface not exactly giving any clues to what is in my mouth.

A slight huff escapes me and I managed to untangle one of my aching arms to feel the outside part of it.

My fingers trace a hard bow like shape of the object before my eyes pop open in alarm as I realise what it is.

The sudden shock and panic that raced through me make my weak body jerk trying to get my thoughts together.

My breathing starts to pick up at a dangerously high level as the adrenaline that the panic has cause makes me unconsciously start to suck on the now identified object in my mouth.

Everything starts to calm down as my still dazed brain ignores the situation, only focusing on the soothing feeling that comes along with using a pacifier.

With nothing but comfort on my mind i curl my heavy body in a fetal position before succumbing to sleep.

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