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A/N: This takes place after Seraphina loses her powers. I didn't write anything from the Rage Arc (Episodes 67-76) because I legit had the largest writer's block. I might go back and write a chapter if I feel like it, but more than likely I will not.

"Hey, have you heard about Zeke? Apparently he was found unconscious and brutally beaten."

"Yeah, apparently whoever attacked him did so much damage he was sent to the hospital!"

Although Seraphina couldn't care less about what happened to Zeke, she was interested in who attacked him. There were few people able to beat Zeke, and she couldn't think of anyone who would attack Zeke and beat him so brutally that he had to be hospitalized.

Except for one person.

When she questioned John about Zeke later, she was right. "I only wish I had beat him up more," John said, and for a moment Seraphina glimpsed the side of he didn't want her to see. Since her ability loss was exposed, she was a prime target for vengeful students who wanted a chance to beat up the former Ace. Due to this, she noticed John was becoming more openly violent and prone to lashing out. She knew John wanted to keep his ability a secret due to his personal issues, but she could tell it was getting harder for him to restrain himself.

"John." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Did you reveal your ability to him? If you don't feel comfortable revealing your ability, then don't do it. I don't want you to suffer in order to protect me."

"I hid my identity while I was fighting Zeke." John said, before snorting. "I used the lunch bag he threw away to cover my face."

Seraphina stared at John, before busting out into laughter. "That sounds like the perfect disguise. No one would ever suspect you."

John pretended to be offended, before succumbing to laughter himself. "Hey, at least it worked! Don't underestimate my ingenuity!"


A couple of days later, Seraphina heard about a mid-tier named Juni being chased and brutally beaten by an anonymous student.

"She was found lying in the middle of the hallway yesterday! She was beaten so badly that she had to be hospitalized!"

"I remember seeing her in the cafeteria. She was freaking out over someone chasing her."

"Who would target her like this? Could it possibly be the same student who beat Zeke?"

Seraphina already had an idea about who the culprit was. He was standing right next to her, his face expressionless.

"Wait, what does she look like again?"

"She's a green-haired mid-tier. She's on the press team and wears her hair in buns."

Yep, it was definitely John. Seraphina remembered telling him what Juni looked like. Juni was the girl who exposed her ability loss to the press.

"A green-haired girl with buns on her head..."

Later, as the two sat on the roof, Seraphina asked John about Juni.

"Yeah, that was also me." he confessed. Seraphina noted how nonchalant he sounded. It was as if hurting Juni meant nothing to him.

"John, I appreciate you going after people who hurt me, but you don't have to be so brutal. You don't have to do this."

John looked at Seraphina in shock. "Sera. You've stuck by me even after you learned about my ability. You don't think I'm a monster. With all of the crap I've hidden from you, you're still here. Even with all of my mental issues, you're still comfortable around me. The least I can do is to avenge you." A thoughtful look appeared on his face. "You know, I've been thinking. I can't keep pretending to be a cripple and protect you at the same time. I need to put aside my fear and reveal myself."

Seraphina was taken aback. John was willing to expose himself as a god-tier in order to protect her. "John, I don't want you to be scared of using your ability, but I don't want you to suffer some kind of panic attack when you do reveal yourself. We both know how brutal the pressure of being a high-tier can be. When I was Ace I learned to tune it out, but I don't want you to have to deal with that pressure, especially since you've gone through it before."

John smiled at Seraphina. "It'll be worth doing so in order to keep you safe."

Before Seraphina can reply, the door to the roof slammed open. Abel glared at them with glowing eyes, irritated that the two cripples were still on the roof. "I thought I told you two that cripples are not allowed on the roof! Now get out before I make you leave!"

John gritted his teeth, irritated. "Don't worry Sera, I'll deal with him." He growled, standing up.

"What are you going to do, fight me? You're a pitiful cripple, you can't do anything to me!"

John smirked, his eyes glowing a bright gold. "Who said I was a cripple?"

The elite-tier's eyes widened, but before he can say anything, John rushed towards him, readying a punch. Abel managed to dodge him, but within a flash a large explosion sent Abel flying. Seraphina watched as the guy fell back to the ground, groaning in pain. John grabbed him by his collar, and pulled the injured boy up to face him.

"Leave. If you tell anyone about what just happened I will beat you even worse than I did Zeke and Juni. Also, Sera gets to be up here even if I'm not present, understand?" Abel frantically nodded, and ran/limped off the roof as soon as John released him. 

John turned to face a surprised Seraphina. "You're right. But eventually I will be exposed. I can't keep this a secret from everybody. I won't reveal myself just yet, but at least I can keep you from being kicked off the roof."


A/N: Thank you all for the votes and comments! I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed, I wanted to get this out. Please continue vote and comment! Have a great day! <3

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