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Samyra and Keisha were having pizza at their favourite place..pizza hut. She was giving treat for the promotion but Keisha seemed more excited about it then samyra. She was blabbering about Samrat and their date but samyra was not interested. She was constantly looking at her watch.

'Ding da ding' her phone rang....there was a message on wattpad..seeing that she smiled in her mind." Right on time" she thought.

" Why are you blushing?" Keisha asked. She had been noticing Samyra from the moment her phone beeped.

" Nothing..and I am not blushing" replied samyra shrugging her shoulders." Now come on hurry up I have to go to work early tomorrow."


Samyra was making breakfast when her mom entered the kitchen."Good morning beta" she said smiling.

"Good morning mom"

" Samyra please send your photo in that red saree to uncle he wants to send it to the boy's father and look at the photo he has sent of the boy. He looks very handsome"

" I will send the photo right now mom and I don't wanna see his photo he is coming this week anyway so will see him then" she replied curtly

"Breakfast is ready and I have some important work to do so I am going to work...will eat there, bye" she kissed her mom on cheek grabbed her purse, phone and lappy and left before her mom could say anything.


"Is something bothering you?" Rahul said cocking his head and looking towards Anshuman"You seem to be disturbed since few days"

Rahul and Anshuman were driving towards Baroda in Rahul's car.

The question hung in the air for a moment. Then Anshuman cleared his throat and said " The thing is that.. Umm... I am going to see a girl this week"

"What... But what about..." Rahul started to say something but Anshuman stopped him mid sentence"Dad wants me to meet her and wont listen a word"

"Hmmm....so where is she from and what is her name and what does she do?"Rahul inquired.

"She lives in Baroda and her name I actually don't know..she is an MBA gold medalist"

"Sounds good...do you have her photo?"

"Ya actually dad forwarded the photo he received on watsapp but I haven't looked."

" Why? You are going to meet her and you don't wanna know how she looks"

"Hmmm...I think that makes sense. Lets see"

Anshuman clicked on the photo and waited for it to load.

"She is cute"Anshuman whispered.

"Awwww.." Rahul said mockingly." Stop staring at the photo and describe her"

" What...just look at the photo man"

" No there is no fun in that... describe"

" uh well...she is slim build, have long black hair and light brown eyes"

" That didn't help..show me the pic'

Anshuman showed him the pic "She really does look cute...nice choice, actually looks better than the previous one"

"Ya right" Anshuman said rolling his eyes and punched him on the shoulder.


Every girl in the office stared at the two boys walking in the hallway with Shina's secretary leading the way.

"Oh boy! Those guys really made an impression on the ladies around here"Samyra thought standing outside her new cabin "but they look handsome....especially the little taller one with square jaw. What am I thinking... Stop it sphinx" she said to herself.

As they came closer she stepped forward and greeted them.

On seeing the girl who greeted them Anshuman's face turned white and he glanced at Rahul who was equally shocked. Their eyes met and they were saying the same thing "What is this?"

Samyra saw the shocked expression on the client's faces but couldn't understand what was wrong. She shook their hand and said " Shina Mam is on an important call. Lets sit in the conference room she will join us shortly."

Both the boys nodded and she lead the way to the conference room.



Thank you very much for reading, votes and comments...

Hope you like this chapter and would love to hear your views and suggestions....

I know my chapters are short but please bear with me...

Thanks again..:)

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