Describing A Book Is Hard, Especially If Your At A Loss For Words

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The next thing a reader sees is your description. Believe it or not, how good your cover is doesn't matter if your description sucks.

I have seen books with no descriptions and am surprised they got any reads. I would never read a book if I had no idea what it was about, what the authors name was, or even the GENRE!?

When writing your books description keep these facts in mind.

No matter how cool you may think it sounds, asking more than three question in the description is a big book turn off.

A quote can be cool...if it's really short and doesn't give anything away.

A description with 1-3 sentences is TOO short.

A description with over 400 worss is TOO long.

Spoiling stuff in the book is not cool.

This next thing I see a lot from begginers. 'Do you think Billy Bob Joe and Hana Bannana will end up together, despite the odds? Read on to find out.'


Don't do that please. It sounds so unprofessional you can't begin to imagine.

Also, when you ask that question, it's pretty clear that they will end up together. Or at least go through some sort of relationship. If not, I am sorry, but your book is boring.

When writing a book these are things to consider:

Read famous books descriptions, lots of them, and learn from those authors what they say to make their book sound so appealing.

Read non-Wattpad based books descriptions too.

Make sure you name the characters in the description. Don't name details about them. The only detail the reader should know in the description is the characters sexuality.

I will give you the example from my very own Romance Novel(that is here on Wattpad, by the way. You should check it out;)) 'In the Shade of My Tree.':

'Rebecca knows lots of stuff. SHe knows that the first computer was invented in 1940. She knows that bees sometimes sting other bees. She knows that snakes can help predict earthquakes. But the one thing she doesn't know, is how it feels to be in love.

Rebecca has never had a boyfriend, but it's completely by choice. Because in the 21st century, a boyfriend means something meaningless,a fling of sorts. And Rebecca doesn't want something meaningless. What she wants, more than anything, is to find love.'

SEE. It's not too long. It's not too short. It doesn't reveal or spoil ANYTHING in the book. It doesn't even mention the guys name. This way when the reader reads the book, everything will be unexpected.

But, despite not spoiling the book, the reader now knows that the OC's name is Rebecca. She is straight. She has never had a boyfriend. She doesn't want any boyfriend. She won't take just anyone. She wants to fall in love. She is really smart and knows random facts. All of those things were found out without spoiling!!! ALL OF THEM!!!

When you write your description, make sure that it draws you in so much, that if you were the reader you would open that book right away and read the whole thing in one night.

Now go off, my child, and write the description of your life!!!

And vote on this chapter.

Pretty Pls ;)

Lots of love,


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