I rush to the front desk. I really hate the smell at hospitals and it's really cold here.
"Hi I'm here to see Brett Henderson."
The black American lady smiles and starts typing Brett's name into the computer. "Go down this corridor and into the elevator. Then to the second floor and on your right look for room 23A."
"Thank you." I smile.
I say a small prayer before the elevator doors open. I just hope and pray that he's going to be okay.
I stand in front of room 23A and take a deep breath before I open the door.
I walk in and what I see breaks my heart into a million pieces. Seeing him like that..
"Hello baby girl." Brett says as he turns his head to look at me and stretches his hand.
I walk slowly towards him and hold his hand. "Brett." I give his hand a squeeze.
He looks battered. His right cheek is swollen, making his eye seem small and his head is bandaged.
"Baby it's nothing but just a few bruises and a few broken bones." He tries to smile.
"This is something Brett. How did this happen ?" My voice filled with concern and tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Don't cry honey, it's not like I'm dying." He says with a hoarse voice."Well some guys came over to the café and they made a comment about how I sucked and It was probably because I'm gay. I ignored them but they kept on pushing me around and well I told them off."
"What did you say Brett?"
He laughs and then stops because of the pain he feels."Well I told them how I had probably
screwed their wives and might have done it twice as better as they ever could, and I might've made some comments about how they were all sissies with small privates and that's why they were picking on a gay guy and not actually doing anything about it. Oh I said a lot babe but I'm in quite a lot of pain to explain everything."
Brett and his big mouth. They deserved it though, bloody jerks!
"I'm sorry this had to happen you. It's all my fault. If I hadn't told Jake about what happened to me, then he wouldn't have left me and I would've been able to go work. I'm really sorry Brett." Tears start rolling down my cheeks involuntarily.
Brett cups my face in his one hand and I hold onto it." Please don't cry Esma. It's not your fault and I went to work for you because I care about you and I love you. You needed the rest honey. This is nothing and I'll be fine soon."
"Oh Brett I was so worried. Luke told me it was really bad and I just thought of so much worse. What's the deal with you two?" I giggle, while wiping the tears on my cheeks.
He smirks. "I'll tell you when I'm back home. All I'm saying for now is that there's potential. He was there to see me at the time those guys had beat me up. He was so worried and I was surprised that he actually called you. He knows how much I care about you and he's accepted it." He smiles.
"I guess he's the one. All your other boyfriends always worry about you having me around. This one's a keeper then."
A male nurse comes in and I can't help but laugh. I raise an eyebrow and look at Brett who is grinning. He still looks good even though he's battered.
Who am I kidding? He looks terrible. I laugh in my head. I still feel it's my fault but I'm just glad he's still alive.
" How's our patient doing?" The nurse smiles, showing his dimple.
Brett looks at me and smiles. He likes guys with dimples.
" Just a little pain but I'm feeling better now." Emphasis on now.
Brett loves men so much! I laugh.
" Visiting hours are over now. So.." the nurse says politely.
"Okay okay. I'm leaving." I stand to kiss Brett on his forehead." See you tomorrow bud."
" It's a date." He laughs." I love you Esma."
I blow him a kiss as I the close door.
I'm in the elevator to my apartment and all I can think about is Jake and Brett. I've lost Jake and now I almost lost Brett. I almost lost another person I love. Yes, I love them both. I love Jake and now he's gone. I sigh.
I walk into the apartment and I can just feel Brett's absence.
I walk into the kitchen to find Jake sitting on one of the kitchen stools.
I stand there not knowing what to say.
He stands and walks towards me. I take a step back for every step he takes forward. "I let myself in with the key you gave me. Esma I.."
"Jake I don't need this right now. Im tired and Brett is.."
He interrupts me before I can finish. This is the second time in one night that someone's interrupted me like this. How rude!
"My mother was raped Esma. His eyes get teary.
"I was the result of that. I'm a product of rape." He starts crying.
Oh Jake. I can't help but cry too.
I move closer to him and I hold his hand. He pulls me in for a hug and we stand in that embrace for a long time.
"Jake." He pulls away and looks right into my eyes. I wipe the tears off his face.
I take a deep breath and clear my throat. "Jake, I love you."
He stills and doesn't stop looking at me."Oh the things you do to me." He hugs me again and kisses my forehead. " I love you too Esma."

Jailed Love
RomanceBars around the heart of 20 year old Esmerald have jailed her ability to love wholeheartedly. Four years in a boarding school weren't just physical barriers. She's locked out of heaven. Her heaven, Jake.