"okie...you don't know how long I wanted to do this.."
Jimin sneaked his head towards jungguk's and held his cheek..
"are you sure..?" "N-" "okay.."
Jimin got closer to jungguk's face.
Jimin pecked jungguk's lips and immediately smiled.
"j-jimin.. wah- what did you just.." "how was it? ;)"
tHiS kId Is A gOoD kIsSeR-
"....wahh.." "It's too good you can't speak." "no..I I am j just surprised that y you actually d did it.." "dO i SmElL lIeS?" "no....okay fine..I kinda liked it.." "I knew it! :D" "yee okay..."
jungguk's mother enters the room to see jimin's chest squeezing jungguk's..
"Jeon Jungguk." "yes ma?" "what's happening here?" "uhh nothing?." jungguk pushes Jimin away till he fell off the bed "hEy! ThAt HuRtS!" "why..why was park Jimin so close to you?" "uhh..I was hugging him..?" "hmph..okay.." "we didn't kiss!" Jimin semi-yelled. "huh? What?...jungguk? explain?" "oh no he got drunk earlier so yee.." "oh.... okay..stay safe boys!" "okay thank you!"
jungguk's mom left the room and didn't close the door
"lemme go close that.." jungguk said "okie"
jungguk closes the door to turning at jimin with an angry/annoyed face
"what the hell was that?!" "what..?" "that! that what happened right now!" "ooohhh your mother asked what we were doing.." "if she knew you pecked me..she..she.." "she...?" "she would homeschool me and not let me talk to you nor other people anymore..." "oh...i am so sorry jungguk..i don't know what to say.." jimin's eyes started to tear up. jungguk realized that jimin was about to cry. "...jimin." "y..yes?.." "are you okay..?" "y...yes.." "*sigh*" "can we go to sleep?..." "ye.."
"jeon jungguk! come down for a surprise!"
"j..jungguk.." "..mhm...." "morning..your mother called you to come down stairs.." "oh... okay....i am coming eomma!"
jungguk went in the bathroom to shower.
Jimin wore his spare clothes that he had in his backpack.
hm? oh.. jungguk is showering.
"jungguk.." jk didn't reply. "jungguuuuuk!" jk didn't reply. "ggukie please answer me"
jungguk opened the door only wearing a towel.
"what did you just call me?" "uhhh...jungguk.." "....." "what?.."
jungguk got closer to jimin.
"tell me...what did you call me?"
jimin tried really hard not to stare at jungguk's torso. "ggukie..i called you ggukie.." "heh i like that" "really?" "yee"
jungguk turned around and entered the bathroom again.
jimin went down stairs to see an random woman and a girl who looked slightly younger than jungguk
"annyeong mrs.jeon!" "annyeong Jimin.." "that's your son?" the random woman said in a little disgust in her voice. "no..my son is upstairs.." mrs.jeon said. "jimin..can you call jungguk,please?" "sure.."
jimin went upstairs to call jungguk downstairs.
"ggukie..can i come in?" "come on in." jimin opens the door slowly then peeked his head into the room.
"your mother needs you downstairs" "oh okay, lets go"
jungguk goes down the stairs fast to greet his mother.
"morning eomma!" "morning jungguk.." jungguk realized the guests then bowed down to greet them.
"so you're jeon jungguk?" the woman said in surprise. "yes ma'am" "mommy! i said i don't wanna do this!" the girl yelled. "hm? do what?" "oh..i guess I'll have to tell you." "ahuh?" "i am choi taemin, this is my daughter choi yeonjin..your future wife"
"what?! eomma?! explain this!!" "choi taemin already did.." "mom i am not getting married to this random 14 year old! what the heck!" "sorry honey my daughter already signed up for it." "mommy..i said no!" choi yeonjin let go of her mother's hand and ran away to the door. "i am not doing this shit!" "yeonjin!" yeonjin opened the door and ran out to the bus stop.
"ughh i hate her." "you hate your own daughter?" jimin said. "shut up slut!" jungguk didn't like his 'friend' being called slut. "don't call my boyfriend a slut till you look in the mirror." jungguk ended with a really hard glare. "boyfriend?" mrs.jeon said jimin flinched in surprise. jungguk held jimin's wrist and went to his room.
"are you alright?" jungguk said while gently holding Jimin's cheeks. jimin immediately blushed. "y..yes" "good" "are going to be with that choi girl?" "no! of course not!" "wah..what did you mean by calling me your...boyfriend?" "jim-" jungguk was interrupted by his mother opening the door. "we will have a big ta-" mrs.jeon realized at the situation that they were in. "jungguk?.." "y..yes eomma?.." jungguk looked down at her jimin's feet. "i need to talk to you for afew minutes.." "okay eomma.." jungguk let go off jimin's shoulders and went to his mother.
"are you sure about what you said about park jimin in front of mrs.choi?" jungguk stared at his feet and started feeling tears coming down his face. ( :'( send help) "eomma..i..i really like him eomma..." "then I'll support your decision..plus its your life.." mrs.jeon smiled at jungguk. "re.. really?.." jungguk looked up at his mother. "anything for you honey.." jungguk walked towards to his mother and hugs her really hard and whispered. "thank you.." "no problem.." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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