| 38 | Half Chapter | Ngl 😔👊💞

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I promise I'm not wasting another chapter but thanks for the views 😔👊💞 I maybe an asshole but I can still appreciate things.

I also wanted to tell that I need requests on what to draw 👊 plEaSe I nEeD it 🙏

I wanna escape my artblock, thats why China on the last chapter isnt that good looking 😔👊

Anyways I wanna thank again, I dont deserve shit but ok 😫👊💞

• R e q u e s t s

Bye my beautiful fucking sheets 🤧👊💞


| 38 - Who secretly hates you? |

Aries - America

Taurus - Liberia

Gemini - Bahrain

Cancer - Togo

Leo - St. Grenadines

Virgo - Palau

Libra - Timor-Leste

Scorpio - Denmark

Sagittarius - Nepal

Capricorn - Bhutan

Aquarius - Saudi Arabia

Pisces - Iraq

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