41: Viva Las Vegas part 2

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It was their first morning in Vegas and they were all have breakfast when Courteney said:' What do you guys want to do today?' 'I don't know, we've done all the touristy things before.. Only Emma and Sam haven't.' Jennifer told her. 'Oh but we don't care, just do what you want to do!' Sam said. 'Are you sure?' Justin asked confused. 'Yes of course!' Emma convinced them to do something else today. 'Alright, I might have an idea...' Matthew interrupted. 'Tell mee!' Court said. Matthew suggested to do something crazy and go to the Skyzone trampolines. It's a room filled with trampolines and pillows. At first the rest thought that he was joking but when they realised that he wasn't they told him that they would try it. It kinda looked fun to do. When Jennifer suggested to put on comfy clothes they all went back to their rooms and did so. Also Emma and Sam did so. 'Em?' Sam asked from the bathroom. 'Yeah?' 'Are you goin to put on sweatpants or just jeans?''Actually I only brought jeans with and me workout clothes... So I guess I'll go with jeans why?''I don't know, actually you look very sexy in workout clothes if I can say that.''Uhm yes sure haha! Shall we go downstairs?' She asked. 'Good.'When everyone was back downstairs they took a cab to the Skyzone. When they arrived the staff told them to take off their shoes, they did so and Sam was the first to try out the trampolines. He stood on it and said to the other:' Actually there's something that you guys don't know about me yet.''And it is?' Emma asked. 'You'll see.'He started to jump, did this a few times till he was high enough and did a perfect backflip. 'Oh my god, Sam!' Emma screamed because she was scared. Their jaws all dropped. 'Wow, you're really good... And how again?' Justin laughed. 'Well it's just like this.' Sam said and repeated his perfect backflip. 'Yeah, I'm not gonna try that!' Emma laughed. 'But how were you able to do this perfectly, honey?''Well, actually this is the thing that I've never told you guys, I used to be a professional gymnast.' 'Well, we can see that!' Matthew said. 'Wow that's really cool! What else can you do?' Jen asked him. 'I guess this was the most spectacular thing... I can also do a front flip but that's kind of the same.' He said. 'That's really amazing, I could never do that!' Courteney told him. 'Oh god, I remember there's one thing that I can do that's even more spectacular then that...' He jumped up again and did a double backflip. Yes, two rotations at one time. - You've read it right ;) -They all looked at him with scared faces. 'What?' He said. 'It's not dangerous if you know how to do it.' He said and smiled at Emma. 'Yeah I certainly don't!' She said. 'Come here Emma..' Sam said. 'Uhm okay?' She did so, now she was standing next to him on the trampoline. 'Have you done this before?' He asked. 'What? Jumping on a trampoline? Yes, I... -'No I meant a backflip' - 'Uuuhm noooo?' She said kind of scared. 'I can teach you if you want too?' 'So you are telling me that you can teach me a baclflip in one day?' 'Yeah, if you are kind good at gymnastics you will be able to do this.''Sure?''Yeah, I've learnt it from the pro's you know.' He smiled at her. Emma said:' You guys, go doing something cuz this can take a while!' She laughed. They all went to the trampolines and did their thing when Sam teached Emma a backflip. 'Okay, Ems, you really have to believe that you can do it okay?' He said, gently touching her back. 'Yes, I mean, I will try and I trust you.' She smiled and they gave a kiss on the lips. 'Let's do this!' He said. While Emma was trying her backflip with Sam, Jen and Cour were jumping together on one trampoline. They were having tons of fun and the guys too, surprisingly. After an hour they got tired and the grown ups got something to drink when Sam was still helping out Emma. She was doing pretty well when Emma said:' I'm so glad that you are strong!''What?''Well, I know that you will catch me when I fall or do something wrong.''Oh, yeah I try! I've never teached someone before but it's pretty fun.' He said. 'Maybe, I am just a good student?' She said laughingly. 'I just think that I am a very good teacher!'' Ha ha very funny!''No, you're actually doing wonderful, I have to admit.' He said and gave her a kiss on the cheeck. 'Thanks!'
About an hour later he teached her on how to do her backflip. She did pretty well for a beginner. Sam said that they all should come to the trampoline and watch her. They did. He stood on the trampoline next to her. Emma started jumping and Sam did so too. He counted to 3 and Emma did her backflip. He grabbed her tshirt and helped to put her back down nicely.
'Oh my god Emma! I'm so proud!!' Jen stated with a shocked face.
'Well yeah my baby is very talented!' Sam said and kissed her on the cheek.
'Awe you're too sweet..' Emma blushed tomato-red.
This day had been very fun and they all got something to drink in a little café.
'So, what are we going to do for the rest of the night?' Matthew asked.
'Uhm I don't know, honey, do you have an idea?' Jen asked Justin.
'Well, yeah, there's this really good nightclub that I've been to once and there will be amazing DJ's tonight but...'
'We don't mind!' Emma said ' We'll keep ourselves busy!'
'Yeah sure I don't mind, it's fine.' Sam told them.
'Well, if you guys really are sure about this...' Jen said 'Let's do it!'
So first of all I hope that you kind of enjoyed this, I know this isn't the best part ever. Please leave some suggestions for storylines in the comments or tweet them to me @FanistonForLife!!!
I appreciate your help :)
Julie x

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