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"I'm going to die..."

"I'm going to die.."

I cried clutching my head tightly. I got up from sleep with an unbearable headache. Why my head is hurting so much? What happened overnight that caused a headache?

"You won't die just because of a hangover," Xavier said entering the room.

"Hangover? To get a hangover you have to drink alcohol first and I do not drink." I stated and he laughed.

"When I found you in the bar, you were drunk." He stated.

"I just ordered a drink which I never drank before. I'm sure that didn't have alcohol in it." I mumbled.

"Oh? Well for your information, the drink you ordered had tequila in it which by chance is alcohol." He stated sitting on the bed beside me.

That explains the headache. How could I be so careless? Well not my fault, I don't know the names of alcoholic beverages.

"Have this medicine first, you'll feel good." He said, giving me medicine.

" this medicine won't work. I have my regular medicine in my handbag. Can you take it out of my bag?" I said. He then gave that medicine to me.

"Did I behave strangely?" I asked after a few minutes when I felt okay. People behave strangely when they're drunk. Hope I didn't do anything embarrassing.

"Strange? Don't you remember?" He asked stifling his laugh.

"I only have blur memory of last night. I don't exactly know what I said or what I did." I said truthfully.

"Then let me give flashes of what you did. First thing, you drank 8 cute glasses of tequila shots which made you drunk. I helped you to the room then you demanded pizza which I denied then you know what you did? You screamed and hit me with pillows. You act like a monster when you're drunk."

I gaped at him. No, I can't do that, I'm sure he's exaggerating. But I feel delighted that I hit him in that state because sober me wouldn't have done that. He deserved it for how he behaved. And did he just call me a monster?

"You know what was the funniest part?" I shook my head. Hope it's nothing embarrassing.

"You made Sean hold his ears to apologize to you. See, I recorded it." He laughed out loud and showed me a video from his phone.

Oh no, what was I even thinking? I hid my face in a pillow, feeling embarrassed. Goodness, what Sean must be thinking of me? Please someone bury me deep inside the ground.

Xavier removed the pillow from my face and pinned his gaze with me. His eyes left all the playfulness. He became serious.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that at the office some employees are behaving rudely with you?" He asked out the blue. How does he know?

"Last night you told me everything about Bianca and Diana. What they did and the way they behaved with you. You should have told me before, I would have taken strict action against them. They hurt you and you saved them by telling me you slipped in the kitchen?" He asked sternly.

"I may have not taken action before but now that I know what they did, I surely will. And you won't have any say in it." He ordered.

"No one can hurt you." He stated.

Oh, he is concerned about me now? Where was his concern when he left me alone for the whole day? He didn't even call once to ask how I was doing alone in this foreign place. What about the hurt he gave me?

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