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AN: Okay so my mom got a laptop and we share it until I can get my own. So that's nifty. I would also like to apologize for any future mistakes because i wont have auto-correct. I'm also blind.

Well here you are sitting around waiting for something interesting to happen.

'Yeesh I wish I was able to listen to my music. That would be the best.'


You rise up from your lazed position to see what happend. You see a girl from slytherin. What is she so upset about though.

The notices you.

"Hey, hufflepuff. Were you the one that painted that damned flower?! the paint got all over my robe!"

Tilting your head to see her paint stained robe, you see a faded and smudged pink flower on her butt.

You snicker in your head.

"Oh my! I'm so very sorry that you sat on the bench i just painted. But i would say its your fault for not reading the sign and seeing the cones that are around it."

And true to your words, there was a warning sign and cones stating that the benches paint is not fully dry.

The slytherin girls face turns into a deep redden shade.

Only making you want to snicker out loud.

"Who even gave you permission to paint things!"

"Headmaster Dippet of course. Of course I would ask for permission before doing something. I mean I'm a hufflepuff for christs sake. Most of us follow rules."

Of course this was true. Dippet said he was okay with you painting things that aren't in the inside of the school, and only to paint things in the commons and garden area. It was pretty nice of him to allow you to do this.

An: I'm eating this Japanese candy and it fizzes, it's pretty good but the cola one kinda surprised me. It's not bad but it's also not good either. I would say the name of it but I can't read Japanese. ;-;. Okay back to the story.

The girl just gets angrier by the second. But instead of fearing her you're to busy thinking about how you have to redo the bench.

Snapping you out of your thoughts you find yourself facing the grass. You look up to see that the snot got her two buddies. Clearly the typical bully from movies. Turns out they pushed you. but rather than walking away you get kicked. Because you had never enjoyed fights you did nothing. though the pain caught up to you and you started crying. Not a good idea because they'll show up later on.

The girls eventually ran off being frightened by some gryffindors.

The gryffin boys take you to the nurses office explaining to the nurse what they saw. You could only sit on the bed in silence. You stare at the ground.

The boys leave to go do their things. The nurse sends you back to your dorm. Finding tom walking out of a class or something. He stares at your hurt form. You look up at him to give him one of your classic smiles. He walks over to you asking what happened. You told that some girls kicked you because one accidentally sat on your painted bench.

He goes into his thought.

"(Y/N) who was the girl you saw."

You shrugged not wanting to talk about what happened. Tom wil figure out who did that to you. For now he keep you company on your walk back to your dorm room. Once you came back to your room, Brooke runs to you asking what happened. Before you could spill the tea, she interrupts you asking if it was Tom and his goons.

"Jeez, why do you hate him so much? And no it wasn't it was some girl in slytherin."

She shrugs at your question.

"Well it was an attack from the Slytherins, so it could've been Toms doing!"

You glare at your friend.

It made you think though. It was kinda weird for someone not to see the sign. But theres no way that Tom would ever do that to you. Right?

'Well why would he? After All the times that I cuddled with him. And cared for him, there's no way he would send a group of girls to hurt me'

an: Stay tuned to see what Tom will do. Will he team up with Brooke to find out who the girls were? I actually legit don't know. PLease HELp. Okay talk to you sweets later!


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