Jungkooks pov
Why is there a royal family member pinning me down?
"Am I in trouble?" I tilt my head the wolf looks at me and they gets off me, I quickly crawl behind Jin who rolls his eyes "change human" I had changed back to my human form when I was pinned down
Jennie gasps as the wolf changes human "p-p-p-park jimin" my eyes widen, I look up and then we all- well except Jin and Hoseok bow towards jimin, he chuckles "omegas step forward" I gulp as me, jisoo, rosé all step forward, Lisa growls "if you're lo-" "dont growl at him" we all jump
"M-m-min y-yoongi..." We all bow again as yoongi (jimins brother) walks over to us, jimin rolls his eyes and I then look at jimin, he smirks "you were the one who killed the bunny weren't you?" I gulp and nod "y-yes sir...you ca-" "come here" I hesitate but walk towards him...am I gonna be punished?
He grabs my shoulders and pulls me to his chest, I feel all the energy drain out of me as I melt in his grip
I push jimin away "don't do that!" He smirks "looks like I've found my mate" I look down...so it was him who smelled of chocolate and roses...before I could even blink I was tackled by two back wolves "who are you and why are you close to jimin!??" I whimper "i-i-i-"
I hear Jin growl "Namjoon, taehyung up...now" the two black wolves look at Jin and then step away and change human, oh it's namjoon (jimins friend/ old butler) and taehyung (jimins bff) I sit up and rub the back of my head "thanks for the help Jin" Jin helps me up "no problem kookie" I giggle
Yoongi rolls his eyes and crosses his arms "you even smell weak," I look at him "excuse me?" He walks to me "I said...you smell weak" I cross my arms "your nose must be wrong then" he laughs "my nose is NEVER wrong." Hoseok giggles "yoongi...calm down"
Taehyung looks at jimin "you aren't gonna tell him off for insulting your mate?" Jimin shrugs "I will IF he says anything I don't like, he can speak for himself, he has his own opinions" Lisa growls "YOU ARE A TERRIBLE ALPHA!" I jump "Lisa stop..."
As soon as I try to move away I am pulled to lisa, she holds my wrist tightly "he is staying with us, he has been through hell and I won't let you make it worse for him!" I whimper "l-let go please... You're hurting me" she doesn't let go, jimin growls "you're hurting him!"
Lisa let's go of my wrist quickly "bunny I'm so sorry!" She goes to hug me but I step away "d-dont touch me.." she glares at jimin "this is YOUR fault!" She raises a fist, my eyes widen and my mate instincts kick in "no!" I run over and stand in between them both "Lisa that's enough!"
She lowers her fist "i won't let you go" hoseok sighs " Lisa...it's not up to you" Jin nods "plus, he'll have me and hoseok anyways, we live with jimin since my mate is Namjoon and hobis is yoongi and taehyung" Lisa steps back "y-you'll visit won't you?" I look at jimin who has his arms crossed
"Just hurry up, you're testing my patience's...if you're a good boy I'll let you visit"...I guess that's as good as I'll get, I nod "thanks....I should get going...I'll miss you all" I hug jisoo, Lisa and Jennie, they hug back, Jin sighs "come on Kookie, it's getting dark" I nod and walk to him
I follow jimin, Namjoon,yoongi, taehyung and hoseok while holding jins hand, I stay looking down the whole walk back, taehyung sighs "welcome home jungkook" I look up and my eyes widen "whoa...." it was a huge mansion! It was white and if was so beautiful, Hoseok giggles "that reaction was so cute"
I roll my eyes "shush" Jin let's go of my hand, I look at him confused, he points to jimin who was glaring at us, oh...jimin doesn't like Jin touching me...I cross my arms and walk to taehyung since he seems kind and a happy person "can I have a tour?" Taehyung nods "jimin will show you around" I look at jimin
"Have you already threatened them?" Jimin crosses his arms "your mine, they can't touch what's mine or they will be killed" I sigh "same old jimin..."
(Me and jimin used to be friends when we were little, we met at a ball, my parents were the only family in our town to have an omega child, apparently I was more beautiful than every girl in our town, my father worked for jimins father and was invited to a ball, obviously he took me and my mother at this time I was 4, so I don't remember much, jimin and me became friends soon after meeting...we were friends until we had to go to school, jimins parents wanted him to have a normal childhood so sent him to school which was also my school, when we got into highschool he turned into a right dick! He kept bullying me and playing tricks on me, after he graduated we never spoke again...until today)
He chuckles "I haven't changed at all" I sigh "whatever, can you show me to my room, I am very tired and would like to sleep" he smirks "don't you want a birthday party?" I scoff "I'm not four years old so no...I want to sleep" jimin nods "alright alright follow me"
I follow him into a bedroom, it had a king sized bed in the middle of the room, it was a beautiful room, he rolls his eyes "there...sleep, my room is the last door down the hall... goodnight" I go to say something but he walks out slamming the door, did I annoy him?
I shrug and lay down, I cant change since I have no clothes here...I try to sleep but can't.....
I can't sleep without my mate...I need jimin ...

alpha (jikook)
Random[COMPLETED] alpha jimin +omega jungkook alpha Namjoon + omega Jin alpha taehyung+omega hoseok alpha yoongi (will include other bands- some of the members might be 'villians'/ 'the bad guy' please don't hate it's just a fan fiction I love all the b...