A small group of riders move through the forest: Éomer, Théoden, Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli. They look around warily, as the low sounds of lumbering trees are heard around them.
“Lass will definitely be mad at us. Leaving her like that…” Gimli grunted while he rode with Legolas in his horse. Legolas remained silent he wants to be with her but he also want to take care of her and she needs to rest but guilt is eating him up he also knows that she will definitely be mad at him since he did not tell her they were leaving.
“She needs to rest Gimli.” Aragorn assured the dwarf.
“I know that but it… it would have been better if we told her.” Gimli added.
“I’ve known her since I was a child and from what I remember she did not sit well on being left out” Eomer stated Theoden agreed.
“Do not worry, it’s not like she doesn’t already know…” Gandalf said teasing on his voice, all of them looked at him confused about what he meant “The trees would have killed us the moment we set foot in the forest, but it did not happen or should I say she did not let it happen… from what I can see she hasnot yet decided if she will punish us,rather, she doesn’t know what kind of punishment she will give us…” Gandalf said with a smile then tilted his head in the direction of a tree. To the other riders surprise Arya was sitting comfortably in the tree on one of its big and sturdy branches; her eyes were closed almost as if she was sleeping, the soft wind caressing her unbound hair. She was wearing a dark green dress under the cloak that was given to the members of the fellowship.
She was beautiful and peaceful all in the same time, in Legolas’ eyes she had a misty glow surrounding her, giving him a feeling that she was one with the trees, warm and beautiful as the sunlight dances on its leaves but the moment she opened her eyes and looked at them he felt himself shiver, even if it’s her usual emerald green eyesher stare was as cold as ice. It’s as if she was seeing right through him, them. There was no anger on her beautiful eyesbut it looked unforgiving, he wondered if he is the only one that feels like that and as if on cue, Gimli and Eomer both swallowed in nervousness and fear.
Before they can even reach her tree, she jumped gracefully down from the tree branch that she was sitting on, it was quite a height but she landed with barely a sound, not even the sound of her daggers, if she was carrying any weapons, there was no sign of it from the outside. Suddenly a black Maeras appeared from behind the tree, it was as magnificent as the one that Gandalf has but this one was black but at its feet it had white streaks that almost looked like socks. It did not have any reigns or saddle. Arya moved towards the horse and leaped unto its back in one swift move. Everyone, including Eomer and Theoden watched her in awe, she rode beside Gandalf, who was in front of the company.
“Come along now, we do not want them to keep on waiting…” Gandalf shouted and urged them to move forward. As they make their way through the forest Arya did not even look at them and only acknowledged Gandalf and they were talking in whispered tones, and even Legolas was having a hard time discerning what they were talking about.
“Do not strain your ears child, eaves dropping is not a good habit.” Arya snarled at Legolas without looking at him. Aragorn and Gimli snickered but immediately stopped as the trees groaned; they all looked at each with knowing looks each one of them agreed silently in their minds “She definitely is not happy about what we did.” Arya remained silent until they reached the end of the forest, Isengard comes into their view and they hear the familiar laughter of two hobbits. As they follow the sound of Merry and Pippin they hear their conversation clearer the scent of smoke from their pipes became more noticeable.
Merry: "It's good. Definitely from the Shire. Longbottom Leaf, eh?"
Pippin: "I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon…"