chapter four

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Riley's pov

Today is the day!!

Me and the boys are being deployed. We have all of our stuff here at the airport.

We are the alpha team so we have our own helicopter. We are being flown to Afghanistan, where we will be on our mission

I was awoken by Andrew shaking me. Andrew and I are inseparable. He is like my older brother.

As we arrived in the camp I saw the one person I didn't want to see.....

Ha ha you thought I would leave it there.

I saw James fucking blackwood. I grouned and the boys looked in the direction I was looking. When they saw who I was looking at their smiles turned into cold glares.

As we stood there waiting for people to show us to our rooms, Luke looked in our direction with a shocked but yet happy expression. James turned around and saw me. He started to walk towards me but as he got closer the boys jumped infont of me. "Where are our rooms" Andrew demanded. "Riley can I talk to you" James asked, "stay away from our Sargent" Sam said standing infont of me. James and Luke looked shocked, but quickly compose themselves.They lead us to our rooms.

Now the fun of revenge begins...

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