*What is this cold, unloving feeling? The hour of darkness has arrived! Beware of the malevolent one!*
Greetings readers, I hope you've been enjoying this little story of the author. She does weave a good tale doesn't she? Wonder where her precious little A.I is?
Too bad because I have taken over your airwaves! I, the goddess of darkness and the night! Those princes, the little fools, they have interfered with the wrong girl. My legions will rise and overthrow their pitiful kingdoms of light and life! Then I will be the one they will worship. It will only be a matter of time before that happens.
But first, my pawn will snatch that little girl who dares to call herself a Goddess!
Where am I? What's going on?
Eve woke up to see herself in an unfamiliar place. All she remembered was that she was being chased by the prince of the forest, off a cliff-side no less. Now she was rising from a large bed in a dark room. The sheets were scarlet red while the pillows were black. No windows were in the room, making it feel as if she was in another realm entirely. Looking around, the walls had pictures depicting scenic routes, smiling people, and graphic scenes.
"Oh, you are awake. Good to know you survived the fall." A deep baritone voice came from in front of her, making her jump slightly. All she could see was red eyes boring into her soul. She gasped, covering her face with the sheets.
"Who are you and where am I?" Eve asked, feeling slight pain from moving. Her fingers grazed the top of her head, feeling bandages wrapped tightly. "Did you help me out?"
The voice chuckled, making her bones rattle at the base. "I did. You are kind of naive are you little Goddess?"
Eve blushed, turning her head slightly. "I was being chased by a lovesick prince. He cornered me at he cliff before everything went black. Then, I woke up here." Her long black hair shimmered in the dim lights. "Thank you for rescuing me."
The figure sighed as he entered the only light in the room. Eve gasped as she saw a handsome face of a young prince. His royal garb was black and purple as his cape billowed in the breeze. His red eyes was full of concern and pity. But the thing that stuck out more to her was his face. On one side was the handsome man with pale skin and long black hair. But the other side of his face was black and scarred with a curved golden horn. She nearly screamed at the horrific sight before taking a deep breath.
"See, even you cower at the sight of me. This is why my kingdom lurks in the shadows. Us shadowmancers never roam the world above so you sent us to the realms beneath." He said, walking towards her. "I could make you look just like us. Maybe then you will learn respect!" He grasped the side of her face and started pumping her with dark magic.
"Please...don't do this..." Eve begged, trying to reach his hands. She could feel herself getting possessed by the dark magic. "Why...?"
"Because..." His voice started to overlap with a creepy child's. "You have to die!"
Onyx opened his eyes to see the sunlight shining on his face. He slunk into the shadows, hissing at the brilliance of the rays. Being the prince of darkness, he despised all forms of the Goddess' light. A growling noise was heard behind him, causing him to tilt his head backwards. A large dog, black as his heart, leering over his body. Its sharp red eyes softened slightly at the sight of his master. Onyx rubbed its snout, taming the shadow beast.
"I can sense it too old friend. That fire prince is about to get a visit from our leader. But we need to wait for our little Goddess to waltz by. She may think she is a good person, but I will reveal her for the faker she is." Onyx told the dog, scratching behind the ears.
Speak of the devil, crunching sounds were heard from the pathway in front of them. Onyx stood up, narrowing his eyes at the approaching figure.
"Ara! Ara! Why are you waiting for? An invitation?" The sound of Lilth's annoying voice filled his mind. Her fingers toyed around in his mind as he felt her presence surrounding him. "That's (Y/N) over there! Go ahead and kill her! I made sure that her carriage broke down in the middle of the woods! All you have to do..." A black blade materializes in his hands. "Make sure that she screams!"
"Yes my lady." Onyx said, gesturing towards the dog as they walked closer to the destination. Sure enough, the carriage that she was riding in was tipped over and broken. Knocked unconscious in the debris, (Y/N) was sprawled over the place. Her (h/c) hair cascaded on the frozen ground, icicles dancing in each lock. Her breathing was shallow, her skin was freezing over. Even the dress she wore was ripped and tattered. Onyx stared down at the body of the poor girl while the large dog sniffed it. Looking at the sword in his hand, he raised it to give the final killing blow.
Ahahaha! You peons thought that I would allow you to see the ending. Guess we have to wait for the next chapter to see what happens! Maybe you'll die! I am really hoping for that!

Outer Space Love *Yandere Planet x Reader*
Romance"Welcome to our home planet, I hope you want to stay!" Space can be a lonely place. (Y/N) was on a mission to find new life in space, but found more than she bargained for. A whole planet, full of males, has now declared her their queen and goddess...