After she was forced to leave Charming at 16, Tati Wolfe is finally home to reconnect with her true family.
But will it go as smoothly as she planned?
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Jax watched as Tati walked out of Gemma's office as he backed his bike up into his spot in the lot.
She walked over to Half-Sack as he was looking at a deer's ass sticking out of the windshield of a car.
"Lovely." She said sarcastically, placing her hands on her knees as she bent over to look in the car.
Jax made his way over to the two.
"Some days you're the beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer." He said before hopping over to the side, Tati, Sack and Chibs were on.
"Some yuppie creamed it up at the streams." Chibs told him as Tati and Sack made disgusted looks at each other as they turned their heads from the smell.
"Did he run into it, or run into a tree while it was giving him head?" Jax asked Chibs, making Tati chuckle.
"How the hell do you want me to get it out of there?" Half-Sack asked, leaning on the hood of the car.
Tati watched as Jax smirked at him. She knew that look meant nothing good was coming the prospects way.
Jax walked over to the tow truck, opening a small door and pulling out a chainsaw, holding it out to the prospect.
"Oh come on, Jesus, man." Half-Sack said as he turned back toward the car.
"Just pretend it's carve your own steak night at Sizzler." Jax encouraged him.
"I don't eat meat, man." Half-Sack admitted, making Tati snicker.
"Figure it out, grunt." Jax told him, putting a cigarette in his mouth as Sack walked away.
Tati patted Half-Sack on the back as she made her way over to Jax.
Pulling a lighter from her bra, she lit the cigarette hanging out of his mouth before Jax grabbed her hip, pulling her toward him and kissing her cheek.
Lighting her own cigarette, she blew out the smoke before she spoke.
"Was it yours?" Tati asked, referring to the explosion the night before.
Jax nodded at her. "It was the goddamn Mayan's." He told her quietly.
"Jesus Christ. Did they take anything or did they just blow it all to shit?" She asked him.
Both of them knew it wasn't typical for a woman to be informed on club business, but since Tati had helped them with different MC's before, Clay didn't have a problem with her knowing bits and pieces of information.
"The M4's and most of the glocks. The rest are wrecked." Jax answered her, Tati shaking her head in reply.
She smiled as Chibs walked over to them.
"I'll let you guys talk." Tati said before kissing their cheeks and walking into the office.
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Jax gently grabbed Tati's elbow to get her attention.
"I have to head out for a bit, gotta look through baby stuff in storage." He told her.
"Okay, do you want me to come with you?" She asked him as she put her hands on her hips, blowing a lock of hair out of her face.
"If you want, it might take a while, though." Jax said, smiling down at her.
"I'll do anything to get out of this goddamn office." She said, putting a file away into one of the drawers in Gemma's desk.
"Anything?" Jax asked her flirtatiously as he tugged her closer to him by her hips.
Tati let out a breathy laugh, gently pushing him away as she walked out of the office. "Come on wild boy, we got shit to do." She said once she was in the parking lot, walking backwards and smiling at him.
When Jax opened the storage locker, Tati was instantly overwhelmed by how much stuff was in it.
"Christ." She breathed out, stepping inside and looking around.
Jax chuckled as he picked up a car seat, pulling on the shoulder belts to make sure he could still use it.
Tati picked up a teddy bear, looking it over and moving it to the pile of stuff they were taking.
The pair teased and threw small things at each other as they looked for things to bring home.
Jax checked out a BB gun, before he aimed it and shot one just past Tati, making her scream playfully as she brought some things to the truck.
When she walked back in, she spotted Jax sitting in front of a box labeled 'John Misc.'
She watched as he sat on a cooler, before she walked over to him.
Playing with a piece of his hair, she glanced at the box before looking at Jax again.
"You okay?" She asked him quietly.
Jax simply nodded his head before he wrapped his arm around her hips and pulled her onto his lap.
The pair smiled at pictures of his mom with John and the pictures from when they served.
Tati remembered John well. Even before she met Jax. When she was a kid, John would always give her some type of candy whenever he saw her with her parents.
Tati's eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head, reaching into the box and pulling out a yellow manila envelope with 'Original 3-15-1993' written on it.
"What's this?" She asked rhetorically as she passed it to Jax.
Taking it from her, he opened it up and pulled out a stack of papers that looked like a manuscript.
"The Life and Death of Sam Crow. How the Sons of Anarchy Lost Their Way." Tati read aloud as she looked at it in Jax's hands.
Jax looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows as he flipped to the next page.