Shayla awoke from her sleep to banging at the door. She realized that Lyric was still in the room with her and woke Lyric up. Shayla(shaking Lyric to wake her): "Lyric somebody at the door!" Lyric woke up to see fear in Shayla's eyes, she knew she had to calm her down. Lyric(wiping her eyes and reaching into the nightstand for her gun.): " Calm down ma, you safe I'm go see who it is." Shayla(grabbing at Lyric shirt): "No don't go please!" Lyric( trying to be understanding): "Say ma chill I got this, I'm trained for this let me go see whats to this, plus no one no you here but me and 187." Shayla let go of Lyric shirt, and watched Lyric walk out the room. Moments later she heard her godfathers voice echo through out the house. She walked into the dinning room to find the two seating at the table. 187 spotted her and stood up to hug Shayla head was hurting from all the crying last night. 187 squeezed her as if he was trying to pull out the little life she had left. He let her go and they sat down. 187: "It had to be somebody your father was comfortable with letting in to his home, because he wouldnt have just let anyone in Shay, do you know who that could have been?" Shayla shook her head no, she couldn't remeber anyone other than family who would have been able to come in to their home with no problem.
187(letting out a loud sigh): "I got work to do to find all of this out and we got to keep you safe so maybe I can send you to my old house in TK?" Shayla( shaking her head no): "Please let me stay here with Lyric, it seems you trust her please?" 187 glanced over at Lyric, truth was he didnt trust her she couldnt be tamed and was a little to wild even though he knew her loyalty was with him. She wasn't like his other expermentice she was his match could even be his maker oneday. Lyric(seeing him hassation): "I'll protect her if that what you want me to do, but note I'm not her baby sitter so I'll follow her and make sure no harm comes to her but I will not control her, and I'm not gonna try to control her if thats what your looking for you need to go head and take her with you." 187(paused for a split second): "Nah it needs to be you, your the only one i trust right now, I think this was an inside job." Shayla: "Now that it's settled (looking at Lyric now) Is that my room now?" Lyric shook her head yes with out looking at her. 187 could tell this made Lyric feel uncomfortable. Lyric was so use to being alone and not having to look out for anyone since her sister died. 187(looking at Lyric with concern in his eyes): " If your not ready for this I'll be happy to carry her where ever I go?" Lyric(taking a deep breath before standing up to walk towards the refrigerator): "Nah I got it, I'm highly trained to be a body guard, if that's what you need then I'ma do it!" "Like I told you my loyalty lye with you, as long as yours lye's with me."
187(shaking Lyric hands before giving Shayla a hug): "Shayla your in good hands, I trust this girl with my own life, I'll go get your clothes ahijada." Lyric(now cooking): "Are you hungry?" Shayla(with her head down): "No, but I know I need to eat so if you don't mind I would love for you to cook enough for me as well?" Lyric smirked she could tell by the way Shayla spoke she went to a prep school with a whole bunch of people who didn't look like her. Lyric knew she had to work on her social skills to deal with Shayla. Lyric looked at Shayla's face for the first time. Her eyes was swollen from all the crying, but they sparkled in the sunlight, the hazel green blended all to well with her golden skin and naturally curled hair. It was like God scuplted her out of gold or bronze. Lyric couldn't help but to follow Shayla's curves down to her thick thighs. Lyric was mesmerized by Shayla's beauty, and the pain that brewed in her soul turned Lyric on to the point of no return. Lyric(snapping out of her daze and clearling her throat): "No problem ma, I got you." Shayla(with her head still down): "Thank you." Shayla walked back into the room as 187 started to bring her bags in from his car. Shayla laid down as 187 put all her stuff away for her. 187(before leaving to go do daily duties): " Listen ahijada(Goddaughter) I promise you I will find who did this to you and they will pay!" Shayla(looking into 187 eyes): "Making them die slowly please. 187 stood there for a moment because he knew this had broke the innocence of his babygirl. He knew she would never be the same

Romancetwo completely different people from two completely different worlds fates clash in the best and worse way both inlove with one another but way to broken to grasp any type of happiness