td wants to stay with needle

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clock pov

"yeah loser thanks for this nice chat you just spend to much time with cake that i feel like everyone here forgot about me" i say. "look clock it isnt the fact that they forgot about you its just the fact that everyone is worried about dieing right now".

 "so everyone mostly chills in their rooms and cake feels more safe around me so i of course wanna help him do you understand now" loser says. "uh yeah thanks i just wish you and i could talk more often" i say. "well hey cakes asleep so i have some time to chat right now" loser replies. "oh yay thanks loser" i say. "no problem clock" he says. 

teardrop pov

hmm my team is well not doing the best. i mean book is killing people with pencil and ive just been in my room the whole time not daring to leave. that cant be healthy right where can i go where someone will care about me.

 hmmmm i got it i could go to needle she could take care of me right. hmm well time to go i open my door and look both ways for any signs of book once i see that it is safe i leave with nothing and run out of the house. whyd i pick today for this its so hot out i could probably evaporate.

  ok well isnt that their house over there... yeah it is i just need to get there... wait why am i slowing down.

needle pov

hmm im feeling slighty hungry i might as well go down stairs and eat. hmm wonder what ill have wait a second whats that outside... its td and she looks like she might pass out IN THAT HEAT SHE COULD DIE. ive got to go save her. i open the door and start running over to td at the fastest speed i can go lucky for me i am a very fast runner. 

 "td dont worry im coming". td then looked up at me and smiled. "td ive got you" i say while picking her up. again she smiles but she has a bigger smile now. "lets go get you home" i say i then start running in the direction of blahops house but then i see teardrop frown. "whats wrong td" i say.

 i then see td point at my house. "oh td ill go home after i drop you off at your house". then again see points to my house this time she is crying. "td why are you sad" i say. she just points to her house and shakes her head meaning no.  "oh td do you want to visit me" i ask.

 then she shakes her head no. "oh then what" she taps me and shakes her head yes. "oh do you want to live with me" i ask. td then nods rapidly. "oh uh td sure you can stay with me" i say. for a second i feel myself start to blush but i quickly stop.

 "td do you have any of your stuff" i ask. she shakes her head no. "i feel bad when was the last time you ate anything" i ask. td just gives me a stare. "oh right you cant talk here lets quickly get you inside" i say. td nods and smiles. "do you want anything" i say quietly after entering the living room. td then nods. "oh what do you want td" i ask. td points to a piece of paper and some crayons.

 "oh you want some paper and crayons td" i say. td nods then points to the kitchen. "uh do you want something to drink" i ask. she then shakes her head no and writes i havent eaten in like a month i feel like i might die of starvation. "oh uh ill get you something to eat no one should have to suffer like you did td" i say.

 then td nods gets up and hugs me. "td i should really get you some food now we can hug later" i say then i walk to the kitchen. ok lets see  what will i make uh... shit i cant cook what do i do. i then realize pin is a pretty good baker she could probably make us something to eat. 

i then left the kitchen. "hey td im just gonna wake pin up and ask her to help me make the food k" i say. then td nods. "pin wakey wakey" i say. "coiny five more minutes" she says. "uh pin this isnt coiny its needle" i say. "oh sorry needle i didnt expect you to wake me up" she says.

 "hey pin i need help with something" i say. "what is it needle" she asks. "uh i wanted to make a cake" i say. "please dont tell me you tried to make a cake" she says. "nope not after what happened last time" i say. "yeah from those years ago" she says. "yeah im not a good cook" i say. "dont worry needy ill help you" she says. "PIN DONT CAL- td why are you hugging me" i say.  

td writes dont hurt pin. "ok fine now pin lets go make the cake". "alright needle" she says. "so what kind of cake do you want to make" pin asks. "eh one that looks like book" i say. "ok weird but ok so you will need some blue and green frosting some black frosting and the cake mix and a TINY BIT OF YEAST k" pin says. "ok so three bags" i ask. "no 5 bottle caps full" pin replies. 

"oh ok here you go" i say. "good now we need to add in the cake mix and prepare the frosting" pin says. "ok ill prepare the frosting you can do the cake mix" i say. "ok im assuming chocolate cake mix" pin asks. "yep that sounds about right" i say. then we make the cake. "beatiful" i say.

authors notes

ok so request pictures for my sis to draw lets overwork her

im currently sick so im sorry if this chapter is a bit off

dont make fun of me for mistakes

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sisters roblox is shoplkins4

my sisters wattpad is shoplkins

and here have a picture

and here have a picture

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death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

anyways bye my little shopkins

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