Chapter 2: Son Issues

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"Rosedash" took a step back, surprised.
"Wha-what? Kakarot? Do you remember me?" He exclaimed. Everyone else was also trying to place it. Goku put his hands to his face and began thinking.
", that's not it. But it definitely started with an R. Humm... Rinditz! No. Roditz? Radotz?" Goku was trying his best to recall the name of the man who stood before him.
"I-it's Raditz...but! More importantly, Kakarot, why is there still life on this planet?!" Raditz yelled. Goku pondered that for a moment he answered.
"Because there is." Goku nodded confidently.
Raditz wanted to faceplam.
"Have you forgotten your mission, brother?" Raditz asked incredulously. Goku thought for a moment longer.
"Maybe? Could you give me a refresher?" Goku asked hesitantly. Raditz groaned.
"You are part of an alien race called saiyans." Raditz spoke as though he were talking to a 4 year old.
"Yup." Goku shook his head in response.
"You were sent here as a baby to kill everyone here." Raditz continued.
"Sow down, that part's new." Goku exclaimed, eyes widened.
"You and I are half of the remaining saiyans." Raditz kept going.
" there's like..." Goku tried doing the math on his fingers. Gohan whispered something quietly so only he could hear.
"Ah-ha! So there's 2 other saiyans besides our family!" Goku spoke loudly. Raditz wondered why he mentioned "our family", but whatever works.
"And So... being that our planet was wiped out by a meteor," Raditz liked talking. Most of the time, people didn't listen to him, so this was a nice change of pace.
" it wasn't. Fr-" Goku started. Raditz held up a hand.
"Don't interrupt! I want you to join us. My other companions and I are going to go kill everyone on a different planet. And even with three saiyans, it'll be tough. Would you help us?" Raditz asked his younger brother.
"Na. Sounds boring. Also, killing innocents isn't really my thing." Goku answered quickly. Raditz groaned aloud.
"Fine. Be that way. But if you won't join me... perhaps your son will." Raditz grinned evilly as he walked close to the two Son's. Goku stuck his arm out.
"I don't think so. You leave him alone." Goku said sternly.
'Come on dad! Where are you?! I can't stall him any longer!!!' Goku screamed internally.
Raditz only grinned and kneed Goku in the gut. Goku fell to one knee, and tried to stand again, but Raditz smashed both fists into his back, knocking him to the floor. He then grabbed Gohan by the back of the shirt.
"Daddy!" Gohan cried.
"Listen here, Kakarot! I'll give you a full day to think it over! If you decide to join us, just pile up the corpses of 100 humans right here." And with a final smirk, Raditz flew off, his nephew in hand. Goku slowly rose to one knee.
"Dammit! No! Gohan!" He yelled. Then he snapped his head to the side.
"Flying nim- how long have you been here?" Goku asked nobody. The whole gang was confused, until Piccolo emerged from the shadows.
"Hmph. Listen Goku. We might stand a chance if we fight together. Also...your father was with me, but he might've gotten lost. I don't think he can sense power levels very well." Piccolo explained bluntly. Goku nodded his head. Bardock had always blamed "reliance on technology in my younger years" as to why he couldn't sense ki very well, but now's not the time! It's time to save Gohan!
"Right. Let's go Piccolo. But as soon as him and his friends are dead..." Goku started.
"All bets are off." Piccolo finished. The two aliens took flight, headed fast in the direction of their common foe.

"Ah crapbaskets. This definitely isn't right." Bardock groaned. Piccolo had said "let's go to Kame House" like it was simple! Bardock doesn't have a map! How is he supposed to find an island house when all he can see is islands and houses! He continued to fly around, searching fruitlessly for a house on an ialnd. Then he felt a surge of ki. A big one. Big enough he could feel it, after all. He decided to head in the direction of the surge. After all, there was a good chance Kakarot was involved.

Now back to Goku:
"Be careful Goku! He already knows that we are coming!" Piccolo yelled as the two drew close to where the evil saiyan had fled.
"If we can't sneak up on him, then we'll hit him head on!" Goku called back. The two landed right in front of Raditz. Behind him was the saiyan pod he had arrived. But Gohan was nowhere in sight.
"What's did you do with my son?" Goku asked angrily. Raditz scoffed at his younger brother.
"If you must know, the brat wouldn't shut up so I locked him in the pod. But tell me, Kakarot, do you really think you stand a chance? Neither of you are even close to my level." Raditz chuckled. Piccolo threw his cape over his head and then took off his turban. Raditz glanced at the green screen before his eye and looked back up to see Goku taking off his weighted clothing. In the past 5 years, Goku had doubled the weight. Raditz refocused and laughed again.
"Do you really think that will make a difference?" Raditz hollered. Goku and Piccolo both entered fighting stances.
"Strength isn't everything in a fight. Dad told me that much." Goku smirked. Raditz recoiled visibly at the words of his brother. He shook it off and flew at the two full speed.

Not so far away:
"Wait a minute...this is where I started!!! Are you telling me I went all that way just for them to draw a big circle?!" Bardock gasped, exhausted. He had been flying for far too long. He was close now. Close to the farm on which it had all started. A huge blast distracted him. Purple beams? Bardock got his second wind as he moved with all haste to the battleground. After a few more minutes, he arrived just in time to take it all in: it was hard to believe, but there was no mistaking it. That tall man with his foot on Goku's chest was Raditz. He had grown taller, but there was no mistaking that long hair. The young namekian Piccolo was standing a ways away, but he appeared to be missing an arm(again). Maybe most intimidating was that the saiyan pod in the crater below off a ki signature? Bardock began his descent to the battlefield as the pod exploded in front of him. Gohan?! He was the source of power?!  Also, he was screaming!!!
"Stop hurting my daddy!!!!" Gohan screamed as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,651
Goku: 1,051
Gohan(normal): 40
Gohan(angry): 1,600
Piccolo: 900
Raditz: 1,500

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now