Hiccup and Astrid arrived back at Berk. They quickly went to their houses and thought about the Night Fury. Would she stay? Would she be gone? They were afraid for the last thing. Hiccup bent over his desk. His head leaned on his hand as he slightly shook it, realizing it wasn't smart to leave that Night Fury there. He sighed and stood up. He walked to Astrid's house and knocked on the door. Astrid opened the door, and had the same worried face as Hiccup. "We didn't have to leave Sunset there. We just met her, and leave her on an -to her- unknown island." "I know, Hiccup. But, like you said, everyone'd almost attack us for that dragon." Astrid said. "W-We have to go back.. In my opinion, we can find a place." Astrid gave a slight nod. "Alright. Stormfly!" The Nadder appeared quickly. "Wait," Hiccup ran to his house. Astrid's eyes followed him as he disappeared behind the door. Hiccup returned with his helmet. He smiled as he slightly tilted his head and moved the hand with his helmet from the left to the right several times. Astrid laughed. She jumped on Stormfly and waited for Hiccup and Toothless to get ready. They took off shortly after. Astrid looked at the island as they flew over it. She narrowed her eyes as she realized it was awkwardly empty. "The dragons must be sleeping.." She mumbled to herself. They landed and jumped off their dragons. Hiccup slowly walked forward, followed by Astrid. "Sunset.." A muffled voice sounded. "You forgot to put your helmet off, smart man." Astrid grinned as Hiccup took off his helmet and gave her a poker face. They continued walking. "Sunset.." Hiccup whispered. Astrid suddenly started running, followed by Stormfly. "I'll go search at the edges!" "Alright! I'll stay here.." Hiccup replied. Toothless crouched around and sniffed every little hill they met. "We'll find her, right bud?" Toothless let out a doubting sound as they walked a bit faster. "I bet we will.." Hiccup mumbled. After a while, Astrid returned. "Nowhere, as far as I've seen." She seemed quite worried. Hiccup sighed. "I hope she's still here.." "M-Maybe we should just return, and continue tomorrow. It's getting quite late. Astrid said as she looked at the sun. "But.." "Yeah, I know, Hiccup. I'm sorry. We have to return." Hiccup started to feel pissed. He kicked a twig away. It got followed by Toothless. "Just found a new Night Fury, lost. Same as what almost happened with Toothless." The dragon looked back and stood still near the twig. "Was I lucky to not have lost him." Hiccup showed a little smile. "We really need to return, Hiccup.. I still need to feed Stormfly." Stormfly broadened her pupils and rose her head as she heard 'feed'. " Let's just go, we'll see." "T-Toothless.. Let's go, bud." The disappointment was clearly to be heard in his voice. The dragons slowly took off. Hiccup sighed and closed his eyes.
Hey, reader(s)! If you'd like, I still have some chapters left to be published.. Now 12, to be exact. If you'd like, I can publish them now/very soon! If you do, please let me know in the comments! :3