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I said, yes. 

Even though I knew it was not the right thing to do for my mental health, I did it because we were friends before we got into the relationship and end of that didn't have to mean cutting all ties. Isn't it?

When you know feelings are wandering around from your past; you shouldn't dwell into new paths in the same jungle. We used to talk here and there about things which didn't matter to anyone. But we both knew, we still felt stuff for each other. 

During this time, I put all my effort in bring my life together, personally and academically. I was trying hard to mend my ties with my parents and the only way to do that was to get an internship at a reputable firm. Only that could have made them feel better about me getting into this stream of creativity and choosing it as my career. I used to give my day and night to the preparation and with that and help and guidance from a hell lot of people I got selected in the first go at one of the great companies I applied for. 

I celebrated for that and life got the better of me, Vinit visited campus. 

We met coincidently. We were not supposed to. We met, and when he did not acknowledge my presence, something shattered within me. 

I remember myself crying my eyes out to that. 
I went to Maya's room and told her, but her reply struck my heart like a lightning bolt.

Why are you crying when you broke it off? 

I never broke it off. It was never me. And even if it was me, does it matter? Does it matter if I broke it off when my heart is crying inside? I didn't even know if it was him I was crying for, or it was because I was as alone as I was before he came into the picture? 

I went and sat alone on the bridge outside the campus walls. Looking at vehicles moving from one side to another and back, I was contemplating on how I ended up associating my happiness to people around me. I was always alone, but this feeling still hurt me. 

( T~T)

Why was he back and what would Kavya do now, wait till you find out in the next chapter.

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