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The day had dawned beautifully that morning and now that the sun was past its zenith, Murchadh felt the golden glow soften and allow for him to enjoy the beauty of the clear skies and sweet smells of the council gardens. The scent of flowers and greenery dampened the effect of the city that surrounded the council buildings, letting him relax a bit more as he approached in time for the day's meeting.

Murchadh glanced at Eviaus as the nymph fell into step beside him, the two of them walking in easy companionship toward the council building. The man had been sulking lately, but today Eviaus almost beamed, grinning wide to Murchadh for no reason at all. He knew the other Cacique wanted him to ask what was up, he could tell by the look in Eviaus' eyes and the half exasperated look in Nake's.

Murchadh grinned and glanced ahead of him, taking enjoyment from the other man's barely contained frustration as Eviaus hummed to himself as he waited for Murchadh to cave.

They were two opposites when it came to most things, Eviaus' enthusiasm to Murchadh's stoicism, but it worked well in terms of their acquaintance.

Just as they were rounding the last corner of the gardens, Murchadh chuckled. "You're chipper."

"Chipper." Eviaus snorted and looked at him. There was a moment where Murchadh could tell he wanted to give him a hard time for the word choice, before the nymph just grinned. "I have a date."

Murchadh's amusement grew, though he only raised a curious brow. "Oh. A date. With whom?"

Halfway across the open span, Eviaus stopped, his expression lighting up as he nodded up toward the council building. Murchadh turned his attention more in that direction, grinning when he saw Ferya. He noticed the shape-shifting friend of hers who was now Laochra Siocháin, though he continued to tease his friend. "You do not have a date with Ferya."

"No." Eviaus rolled his eyes in exasperation, though he couldn't wipe the grin from his face. "He agreed to meet me for coffee. I hadn't seen him for months."

"When?" Murchadh was a little surprised. Gavin had been quite vehement in his dislike for nymphs, and Murchadh had seen none of Eviaus' affections returned.

"Yesterday." Eviaus beamed, before laughing as if he couldn't contain his own joy on the matter. "His first off day. He said he'd meet me at the coffee shop."

"You never asked him what time." Nake growled in amusement, drawing a look of panic on Eviaus' face.

Murchadh turned to watch Gavin and Ferya, fighting his own grin over his friend's predicament. Gavin was clearly on a patrol with his partner, who appeared to be getting impatient. The demon stood off to the side, watching the area with an easy stance that spoke of fighting skill, while Gavin accepted a hug from Ferya before fishing something out of his pocket and handing it to her. They were far enough away that it was easier for Murchadh to read the man's lips than strain to hear the whispered words.

It was a birthday present, meaning that Baltha had told more than one person about the occasion.

"What did he just give her?" Eviaus pouted, watching the exchange. "Tell me, Murchadh, are you not bothered by seeing her so close with someone else?"

"Bothered by her having a friend? No." Murchadh shook his head slowly, smirking at the man's unwarranted distress. "Their relationship is entirely platonic."

"I just...." The nymph trailed off and shoved his hands into his pockets, sighing softly. "I know that. But I get none of that affection. And I want it all. Don't you want all her affection?"

Murchadh mulled over the question before offering a shrug. "I want all of what she will give me, but she is her own person. And he just gave her a birthday present. Today's her birthday."

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