Chapter 32: Guilty

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Here's an update lol. I've also made some modifications to the chapters too:)

Chapter 32



[Previously - Mia's Pov]

"Niall what's going on?" I start to panic again. He's usually the fun one the never-serious one, and the way he's acting is kind of scaring me.

"I don't know how to say this," he tugs at his shirt collar looking through one of my windows and looking back at me, "there's someone watching you."

"Niall who I-"

"I have to go, I'm sorry... I'll call you." He says quickly and before I have the chance to protest, he's already out of the house and out of my vision leaving me speechless.


-Zayn's Pov

5 days.

5 days was the amount of time I had been forced to keep myself away from her.

And 5 days was all that I could handle, after sitting around all those days doing nothing but drink and bask in guilt, I found myself kind of losing my mind.

So badly that I'm not even thinking when I'm driving around and end up at her house.

What am I doing here? I need to let her think.

I think about driving away or something because it's a bit fucking creepy of me to be doing what I am.

I decide to just get this over with otherwise I know the guilt was just eat me up even more - I can do this.

But instead I find myself sitting there for another five minutes debating with myself whether to go in or not.

Why is this so fucking hard?

Instead of having the courage to just go up there I drive away instead feeling even guiltier than before.


"Another one," I hit the countertop as the bartender whose name I can't remember at the moment gives me a weird look.

"That's your fifth one tonight? You might want to slow down a bit bud."

"What's the point," I drown into the rest of my drink, "I already fucked everything up."

"What's the problem?" he asks, putting down a clean glass of water in front of me while stretching out his arms.

I'm not that fucking drunk.

"I'm the problem," I look around to make sure no one's eavesdropping in our conversation,

"There's this girl, and she means a lot to me," I smile thinking about her, "but she's my best friend - or... well, fuck I don't know what we are now."

He keeps watching me but still cleans another glass of his so it keeps him busy I guess.

"Anyways, I kind of kissed her last week and then we were laying down and well ... I did some shit so here I am now,"

"Don't know what to tell you," he says after a moment, "All I can tell you though is drinking your brains out won't do you no good."

I just watch him trying to give me advice - he doesn't fucking know me.

"Piss off, what do you know?"

He just scoffs like I'm fucking wrong or something, "I know the difference between a drunk man and a guilty man,"

I'm about to shoot back at him, that is until some blonde comes stumbling by my doing some weird shit with her hands.

"Another drink," she says lazily before eyeing me, "Ooh, you're cute,"

"Yeah?" I just smirk a bit eying her up and down. She looks kind of trampy and her makeup looks really fucking weird - her eyebrows actually look drawn on with a marker, but I don't know her and besides she's sort of hot.

I don't remember the last time I've had sex either. Probably one, maybe two months.

"Yeah," she bites her lip, "almost too cute to be here by yourself," she suddenly trails her finger down my shirt and for some reason I'm not getting turned on like I used to.

"Maybe," I say holding back my smirk, "But it is what it is,"

"It doesn't have to be," she awkwardly smiles, "I can always give you a good time."

I keep looking at her and she starts looking more and more familiar by the second - who the fuck is she?!

"I don't remember getting your name,"

She looks at me funny for a second, "My name? Perrie!" she cheeps really loud and I feel my senses immediately coming back.


"Yeah, then again I've got other shit to do," I say getting up and walking away from her quickly not even caring that I'm being rude - that did not just happen.

"Hey don't drive alright?" the guy who also happened to be the bartender is suddenly behind me, "I don't want you getting hurt or anything."

I only look at him and look at his hand on my shoulder before me, rather hastily, brush it off of me,

"I'm already hurting."


-Mia's Pov

Its 1 am when I'm woken from some loud and rather annoying knocks from the front door that I can hear all the way from my bedroom.

Who the hell is here so late?

I desperately want to go back to sleep because I'm beyond exhausted, but I again hear even louder knocks that prevent me from doing so.

I'm already awake now, so I decide to get up and answer the door even though I still can't wonder who would even want to come here at this time.

Even though it would be a smart idea, I don't bother looking through the hole to see who it is and swing open the door.

My eyes squeeze shut however at the sudden brightness from the sudden brightness of outside and I can only see by squinting a bit, "Whoever it is can you just go. It's very la-"


I finally open my eyes and they meet with a familiar pair of golden brown eyes that seem like they're about to break out with tears.

"Can I talk to you?" I hear his voice break, "please?"

I think about telling him no, but that's until I see him dressed up in a white collar shirt and his hands shaking with a bouquet of roses in them.



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