Chapter 10 "I'm a damaged good..."

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Kira was trying to find her way out when Paul cornered her in an empty hallway,

"Hey feisty lady, where are you going?" He asked smirking at her,

"None of your business Paul, let me pass," She says monotonously,

"I never thought you were friends with Andrew, he's a great lad but I was just wondering have you been laid with him? Is that why you rejected me?" he asked mocking her,

"You are seriously sick in the head, he's not like you, he's far far better than you!" Kira says and tries to pass through him,

"Well, I guess they're right you enjoyed the sex while seeing your dead brother just across from you?" horrified at what Paul said, she tried to slap him but he pushed her to the wall,

"How does it feel? Did Andrew touch you here? Or here? Is he great huh?" Paul says while touching Kira everywhere,

"No, stop! Stop! Get away from me!" before Kira's anxiety kicked in she pushed him hard and run towards the exit hastily not caring who she bumps into,


Andrew's POV

I was getting worried when Kira didn't show up after 30 mins or so,

"Ehm... I'll see you around Karen, I just need to find someone," I told Karen, she's one of my friend and former back up singer,

"Is this the lucky girl?" she asked teasingly,

"Eh.. I hope so," I replied and went searching for Kira,

"Andrew, you looking for Kira?" Paul asked when I bumped to him, I nod to him as an answer,

"I think she went home, I stumble into her earlier," he replied,

"Ehm.. Okay, thank you,"

"She's a good catch Andrew, well done," Paul commented,

"What?" I questioned him trying to suppress my anger from how he said it,

"I mean she's great," He says smirking and went off,

I searched for her through the house when Alex called me on the phone,

"Hey Andrew, we hailed a cab for Kira I mean we insisted to take her home but she didn't take the offer, and her eyes are bloodshot, breathing heavily," Alex told me through the phone,

I immediately hopped on my truck and went home, I was knocking on her front door and when I twist the knob it opens, 

I heard hysterical cries and clink of metal from her bedroom and went to it, then there was Kira sitting on the floor blood on her shirt crying,

"Kira!" I yelled and immediately stride to her, "Christ! What happened? Why?" I ramble while trying to lift her up to the bed, she cried more and struggles to distance from me,

"Get away from me! I want to be alone! Just let me die!" she yelled while taking a step back away from me,

"I need you, I care for you," I walked slowly to her and grabbed both of her shoulders and let her sit in the bed,

"Why Andrew? Why me? I'm a damaged good," She says through her sobs,

"You are precious to me Kira, let's talk about it tomorrow okay? Let me just patch you up," I said then tucked her loose hair to her ears,

Tending to her cuts and seeing her with just a brassiere makes it hard to control myself, she looks beautiful under the moonlight and the alcohol in my system is not helping as well

"Here's a new shirt, you should rest now," I told her but was shocked when I felt her soft lips against mine, nothing to hold back we kissed each other with the same intensity and the feeling of longing was replaced into ecstasy, out of lust I shift to her neck when I felt her heavy breathing and shaking. Feeling guilty that she might be reliving the past, I stopped,

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, sorry, I-I was-, I'm sorry... I think I shou-should leave,"

"Please stay," She says on the verge of crying,

"I will, I'll be just here in the floor"

"You can stay here, beside me," she pointed at the other side of her bed, I took off my coat and lay beside her,


Both staring at each other, Andrew pulled her which made Kira at ease as she nuzzles her head to his warm chest.

He kissed the top of her head and was lightly stroking her back when she felt sleep slowly succumb her but right before she lost into deep slumber she heard-

"I love you, Kira"


Chapter 11-Done!


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