Chapter 9 - Coming Soon

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"Good morning, peasants!" I declared as I quite literally swept into Transfiguration that morning, a crown perched precariously atop of my head, my robe billowing behind me. My dearest courtiers trailed along in my wake, begrudgingly carrying my belongings. How generous of them, I thought to myself, as if they had had any say in the matter in the first place. My loyal subjects celebrated my entrance and I gracefully sat down in my assigned seat, feet on the table, chair tipped back at precisely the right angle. I didn't want to fall and get a concussion, now did I? Especially not on that day of all days.

Now you may wonder what on Gaia's green earth I am on about, you may begin to question my sanity, you may finally start to piece the clues together and realise I am in fact, a total nutter. About time you did, if I'm completely honest with you, darling. However, like most of my shenanigans, the reason for all this was a well-founded one, if I did say so myself. For Twas my birthday, my sixteenth birthday to be precise, and that meant I got to be queen for a day. Not as long as I would like but hey ho, it was better than nothing. I had all the time in the world to take over the world so being queen could wait for now. Even better than this temporary monarchy, becoming sixteen came with plenty of hobbies I could now I enjoy legally, such as having sex, smoking and drinking wine in a restaurant. As if the law had stopped me before. Following the law is for the weak and my mother did not raise me to be anything of the sort.

Now as a queen such as myself, it is my regal responsibility to keep up appearances, which, to put it simply, meant to look pretty damn fabulous at all times. Hence why I was sporting a magnificent golden crown enchanted to stay on my head for the whole day and matching robe-cloak-thing. You know what I'm on about. Personally, I was rather pleased with my attire. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for one Minerva McGonagall.

An exasperated sigh from the front of the classroom was reluctantly followed by, "Belafonte, dare I ask why you are not in proper uniform?" she gestured vaguely at my majestic outfit.

"It would certainly be rather daring of you, professor," I replied, without missing a beat. A classic raised eyebrow went my way, so I let out a sigh of my own before saying, "Tis my sixteenth birthday, dearest Minnie. If I have to attend lessons on such an occasion, then I must be allowed to dress appropriately."

"And you consider a crown half as big as yourself to be appropriate for school?" her wonderfully Scottish voice quipped back.

"Why of course ma'am, you see it's what I like to call my thinking cap," I grinned broadly at her before joining a giggling Sirius who had gone to great lengths to keep it all in.

But nothing in this godforsaken world, and I do not say that lightly, could have prepared me for Minnie's response: "Then perhaps it will do you some good." She turned to the blackboard behind her to begin the lesson I had partly succeeded in delaying.

I, on the other hand, wasn't doing so well. I clutched at my chest as if I'd been shot, and believe me it felt like I had been, and dramatically fell into the arms of James, as he was the unfortunate soul who sat next to me. I weakly reached up to touch his face as they do in the muggle movies, made a mental note to remind him to fucking shave and heaved out, "Jamie, I won't last much longer but there's something I need to tell you."

"What, my darling? What is it?" he asked, faithfully going along with my foolish antics as always, the poor sod.

"" I whispered before going limp in his arms as if I was dead.

"Ruth, my love, no!" he hugged my 'corpse' while sobbing rather profoundly.

Sirius leapt to his feet (I had to open my eyes slightly for this bit) and declared, "What do you mean 'my love'? Ruth has been the love of my life since I first laid eyes on her!"

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