Gym Leaders as SU Gems

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I'm rUnniNg oUt of idEaS, okAy?

The leaders as Steven Universe Gems. Fairly simple, it's just them as what gemstone they would be.
(With a few exceptions)
I will also be naming what weapon they'd have, including exceptions of gems who don't have a weapon but have a certain power (I will be including guns and more different things that aren't from the show to change things up), and where their gem would be placed.

If you haven't watched Steven Universe, nor have you heard of it or know what I'm talking about, then I definitely suggest it or ur at a loss.

Milo- Gaspeite

Weapon: ScytheGem Placement: Right Peck

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Weapon: Scythe
Gem Placement: Right Peck

Nessa- Lapis Lazuli (I know it's not original, but it fits so well!)

Weapon: Water Manipulation, Wings made of water that spurt from her backGem Placement: Lower Back

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Weapon: Water Manipulation, Wings made of water that spurt from her back
Gem Placement: Lower Back

Kabu- Steel

Weapon: Giant HammerGem Placement: Stomach, above belly button

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Weapon: Giant Hammer
Gem Placement: Stomach, above belly button

Allister- Purple Tanzanite

Weapon: Possession Gem Placement: Left Wrist

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Weapon: Possession
Gem Placement: Left Wrist

Bea- Brown Axinite

Weapon: Spiked brass knucklesGem Placement: Dorsal side of left hand

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Weapon: Spiked brass knuckles
Gem Placement: Dorsal side of left hand

Opal- Opal (Awesome. Wow.)

Weapon: StaffGem Placement: Right Shoulder

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Weapon: Staff
Gem Placement: Right Shoulder

Gordie- Yellow Jade

Weapon: Machine gunGem Placement: Under his chin

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Weapon: Machine gun
Gem Placement: Under his chin

Melony- Light Azore

Weapon: Can heal cracked or wounded gems

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Weapon: Can heal cracked or wounded gems.
Gem Placement: One on each wrist (She's a fusion).

Piers- Black Rutile Quartz

Weapon: Twin pistolsGem Placement: Right eye

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Weapon: Twin pistols
Gem Placement: Right eye

Raihan- Spessartite Garnet

Weapon: SwordGem Placement: Left peck

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Weapon: Sword
Gem Placement: Left peck

*Incoherent screaming intensifies*
This took me
Tʜʀᴇᴇ ᴅᴀʏs.
I am such a procrastinator I can't-

Anyways, sorry for any grammar errors and feel free to comment any ideas or suggestions you might have!

See yah, love yah, bye! ♫

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