Corona virus p2

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There was clearly some misunderstand with what I said.

I am not saying that the corona virus is harmless

It can cause death, not all the time but it can.

Hear it's not as deadly as people on the internet make it out to be

115 people from China were sent back to the UK

Only 2 tests came out positive, and those people are away from the world and away from reach so no one else can get infested.

However, someone came here from France

They had the corona virus,

Outside or China only 2-3% of people have died from the corona virus.

Sure there may not be a cure yet however with people that do have the corona virus are away from society right now it's the only way to protect them

The whole entire world is looking for a test for it, that can mean they will find a cure at the latest of about the end of this year.

The stories about 'everyone is gonna die' isn't true

It can spread from physical contact and from breathing it in or when you sneeze/cough

Stay out of contact from others that show signed of what seems like a flue and make sure to cough/sneeze in your hand.

If you have the symptoms of the corona virus even if it just seems like a cold or a headache go to the doctors anyway

They ain't gonna bark at you for being paranoid about a virus that can possibly kill people.

It may seem rude but if you are visiting or your living in these following countries/places
China (40,171 cases)
Japan (135)
Australia (15 cases)
Belgium (1 case)
Cambodia (1 case)
Canada (7 cases)
Finland (1 case)
France (11 cases)
Germany (14 cases)
India (3 cases)
Italy (3 cases)
Malaysia (17 cases)
Nepal (1 case)
Philippines (3 cases)
Russia (2 cases)
Singapore (43 cases)
South Korea (27 cases)
Spain (2 cases)
Sri Lanka (1 case)
Sweden (1 case)
Taiwan (18 cases)
Thailand (32 cases)
United Arab Emirates (7 cases)
United Kingdom (8 cases)
United States (12 cases)
Vietnam (14 cases)

I know it may seem cruel however, if it's a low number that means they can keep trace of the patients there may not be a proper cure but we can give you things to help your body fight the virus so that it doesn't kill you or can at least increase your chance to live before we find a cure or increase the amount of time you have

While when it is a high number the same thing that happens with China it will spread to fast to the point it would be unable to contain and look how many people died in China all because it spread to fast from now many people were infected.

If you do live in those countries if it's a case that means they have been kept away from society so there is only a 2% chance of you getting infected (unless if it's in China because they can't)

Best thing to do is wash your hands every day, get someone to cover your mouth if you want to be extremely careful (or just cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough) and maybe have something to wash your hands with soap on the go

If you got to school or collage try to wash your hands with soap every break and lunch and wash your hands with soap before and after school/collage

That way it would most likely be a 1-2% chance of you getting the virus.

For safety don't travel/don't go on holidays.

Unless if your place/country was not on the list and wherever place your going to wasn't on the list either

But it's better safe then sorry because remember it seems like a cold at first but sometimes (by like a 1%) it's not always a cold.

It's best to just get on with your life.

However if you are sick stay home even if schools say 'just give it a try' it may end up affecting the whole school.

Plus if you are sick then rest and sweat off the illness, it is the most effective way.

Remember if you have the corona virus it doesn't mean your automatically going to die, and there is a 2-3% chance of you getting it anyway.

With China the only reason why it was such a big problem was because it happened so fast that they could not get them into containment in time, however all the other countries can.

Everyday I feel bad for people that have died from the corona virus but because they died we know more and more about the virus so we can know more and more on how to cure it.

May all the people that died off the corona virus rest in peace, with whatever happens after death I hope they are happy.

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