It was a long day at work, I just wanted to go home and see my husband walking into the house all the lights are off he must be sleep I think to myself I carefully walk up the stairs trying not to wake him up, I kick of my work shoes letting a sigh out as I do I climb into bed next to my husband and he wraps his arm around me but, somethings off "honey?" I asked, he shifts a little but no answer so I say it louder "H-honey?" I hear a toilet flush down the hall "yeah?" my husband calls from the bathroom, then I hear snicker besides me I lock eyes with something thats not my husband, not even human "who are you?" I can feel the tears already running down my face, a smile goes wide across it's face I cringe at how the mouth keeps on stretching all the way around to the back of it's head " what's wrong dear?" it sounded like my husband "didn't you miss me?" I can't help but tremble as I feel razor sharp claws cut my skin "What Are You?'
was the last thing I managed to say as I heard my husband scream for me, his mangled body hung outside the window.

Scary Short Stories
HorrorMost of these are made up in my (messed) head hopefully these will leave you shaking in your boots