Lip: Your Sass
Fiona: Your Smile
Ian: Your Work Ethic
Debbie: Your Strength
Carl: Your Attitude
Mandy: Your Eyes
Mickey: Your giggle
Hannah: Your Politeness
Justin: Your Lips
Jess: Your Stubbornness
Zach: The way you hold your team on your shoulers (Metaphorically)
Jeff: Your Kindness
Alex: Your hair
Cyrus: Your Loyalty
Mal: Your Art
Ben: Your Leadership
Evie: Your Style
Carlos: Your Gentleness with Animals and Babies
Uma: Your Eagerness to learn something new
Harry: Your Vocal Range
Audrey: Your Protectiveness
Jay: Your Stealthiness
Hades: Your Magic
Maya: Your Collection of Leather Jackets
Farkle: Your Empathy
Riley: Your Collection of photos
Lucas: Your Adventurousness
Josh: Your Cuteness
Jade: Your Posters in your room
Andre: Your Musical Equipment
Beck: Your Acting Skills

Multifandom Prefrences
FanfictionLip Gallagher Fiona Gallagher Ian Gallagher Debbie Gallagher Carl Gallagher Mandy Milkovich Mickey Milkovich Hannah Baker Justin Foley Jessica Davis Zach Dempsey Jeff Atkins Alex Standall Cyrus Mal Ben Evie Carlos Uma Harry Audrey...