maybe this was a bad idea

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Heather pov

Me and Mr.Darcy have been doing the tutoring for a few days know but nothing has really happen i need to get closer to the guy. So I was wondering why no one goes into the Villian's backstory  i told him. That would be very cool right i always wanted to that with my class but King Ben never got back to me about it. That sad. He so amazing i thought to myself. While he kept talking i couldn't stop thinking how cute he is. So i just leaned in a kissed him. He pushed me away what are you doing he said. Oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to then he inturpted me with him kissing me. It was a long kiss i didn't want to let go. Until we had to catch are breath.We had heavy breathing. I need to go he said. Wait. Yeah he said. Are we going to do this again i asked. I don't know he said.

Hannah pov 

I needed to go to the libary today to find a book on ancient being but before I went in i saw Heather kissing Mr. Darcy threw the window. I stayed there silent i hestitated for a second but i decided to take a picture. When Heather got out of the libary I called her name Heather i yelled. She turned around Hannah i thought your not talking to me. I'm not and im still pissed at you but i saw this. I showed her the picture on my phone of her kissing Mr.Darcy. Please don't tell she asked. I won't but this was a habit on the isle and know its a habit here. This is not the isle anymore Heather were you cant just kiss the first teacher you think is cute im really worried about you. Of course you are she said. What does that mean. Its means your always the put together girl Hannah because lets be honest you got the boy you got the looks your not even a real vk she said. Why? i asked. Because your dad was a prince if you like it or not. Your mom was a Queen i said!!!! A Evil Queen who didn't care for me at all you had a loving father who would risked he life for you you want to know why?!!! Why Heather why!!!! Because if your dad was a real villian he would be ashamed of you for choosing good!!!! It was silence for a moment. Until i broke it. Your right i said but i do know what its like to have a parent be ashamed by you. Who??? Heather asked sarcastically. My mother i said. Then Heather spoke up. Oh. Look Hannah your mom is a jerk ok she missed your whole childhood. Then i started to cry Imagine your mom starting a whole new life without you then tears started to run down my eyes. Oh Hannah Heather said then she  gave me a hug. Your mom probably hate's herself so much for abandoning you. Thanks i said then we broke are hug just promise me you wont see Mr. Darcy again. Ok she said

Queen Anna pov

Hector!!!! Your majesty My servant said. How is my daughter doing in school did you look at her progress report's. Oh for Annie he asked. She doing great- No!!! i said. My older one. Oh Hannah he said yes Um her lowest grade is a C+ in math. Good she doing good i said. Know leave. Yes your majesty. Then i took my phone and called him. But it went straight to voicemail Hans!!! I screamed i'm going to take Hannah back if it's the last thing i do.

Hi guys Tutu here so Anna is Hannah's mom tell me what you think. Also i would love to here some feedback for this story. 

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