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<3 He doesen't know why are you so perfect

<3 abs 😏

<3 romantic dates, too romantic for you

<3 fancy dates too

<3 likes to kiss you on the cheek a lot

<3 to much cuddles

<3 cute together

<3 can turn from shy to sexy in 0.001 seconds

<3 His nicknames: mochi, chim chim, bae

<3 Your nicknames: love, babe, mine

<3 #cute #abs #sexy

<3 forces you to wear tight clothes for work

<3 you being smaller than him

<3 teases you because of your height

<3 always complains that you are prettier than him and you denying it

<3 him singing you to sleep

<3 when his on tour always FaceTimes you at night

<3 if you aren't with him, even for 5 minutes, misses you


<3 kisses you right after you wake up and talk to any boy, even the members

<3 Wishes that soon both of you get married and have 3 kids

<3 still blushes when you smile

<3 he loves you more than him and couldn't live without you

Word count: 184

BTS as your boyfriend Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now