Chapter 1 Doom the sixth champion

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Nancy and Link where in a rush to find one more beast. The divine beast Mah-wolvedah. While we where at faron woods we heard the divine beast in pain. Zelos Wilder said "wow that beast is huge compare the castle". Nancy answer "yes it's champion is Doom". Raine said "Yes he was the one who controlled it".

As all of us entered the village we can see the divine beast rampaging. Jasmine and kree came almost to it at the beach and sat down saying "Daddy". Nancy and Link and thier group came to her and said "are you sad". She said "yes I want him back". Link said "well we can see his beast out of control"

"Was this his house way over there" Kratos asked Jasmine she answered "yes it was his home but I live there now" she had all of his stuff and his diray. Collecte asked "can we read his diray" she said "sure"

As we read his book it said
If you're reading this it's to the hero's who helped me a long time ago.
I met a girl a princess and champions but they were the ones I had but the one in purple was cute her name was Nancy. She was one of the hero sided Knight but she known a few moves.

I said "whaaaat me why "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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Zelda breath of the wild:The sixth champion and divine beastWhere stories live. Discover now