Patrick Hockstetter (17)

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Once again, I'm sincerely sorry for the hiatus, schools been a drag but I'm working on freeing up some time so I can update everything:)
Also I won't be doing very many Patrick imagines because he's hangin with eddie's mom

Imagine: how you met Patrick

I met Patrick Hockstetter in August 1988

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I met Patrick Hockstetter in August 1988.
His little group was waiting out in the hallway for some unsuspecting younger student to trip or to look at them

I decided if I just didn't look at them then I couldn't be harassed
But I guess not

Henry whistled
And Belch gave me a predatory look
Victor stood back

Patrick grabbed my arm
And yanked me toward him

"Hey- Hey! Hands off creep!" I yelled

"Ooh a fighter, huh!?" Henry laughed and grabbed at my waist

The bell rang and I used all my strength to break free from Patrick and Henry's grip

And then I rushed off to class


The next time I met Patrick, it was only him and it was at the movies

A boy named Kenny had asked me out on a date and he seemed nice so I accepted, but when he stood me up I realized what a dumbass I was

The movie was Die Hard, I had seen it with my friend, Jodie, when it first came out in July and I thought it was stupid. But the rest of the nation thought it was great.

The cinema had been replaying it because of how popular it was and it dragged in a lot of money for the theater

I was sitting in the theater by myself, giving Kenny the benefit of a doubt, he was running late possibly?

"Well well, look who we have here!"

My head whipped around to face the source of the voice

Patrick motherfuckin hockstetter!

"Hello Patrick"

"You got a nice voice"
Patrick jumped over the seat and sat down next to me

"Why're you alone?"

"I got stood up"

"You got asked out?"

"Don't act so surprised Hockstetter, I'm a gem!"

"Right, right! My bad"

I laughed quietly and glanced over at him
He was looking at me

"Don't look at me Hockstetter "
"Why not? You're a gem."

I laughed once again but this time I immediately covered my mouth

"Hey, what if I asked you out right now and we went and got some ice cream instead of watching this hog shit movie?"

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