{Aprycot: @kylahshanae}Dee Pov
Patting her back awkwardly as she sobbed on my now drenched chest, I led us to the bed where I sat and her upright as well. We had some comfortable silence for some time until I broke it unintentionally. She shivered under my touch and threw her head back.
"I really wish I wasn't such a bad person sometimes," she looked into my eyes sadly.
"Yeah, me too," I responded and peered into her orbs.
"Let me tell you some things about me...."
"Spill" I responded while getting up to get us some Powerade.
And spill... Is what she did.
J'leah pov
Delyte, Nyla, Myonna, Erin, Tanasia and I sat in the car and waited. It was all we could do. Delyte and I were in the front row, Erin and Myonna in the second, and Tanasia and Erin in the third having their own little mini conversations. I quivered at the cool summer breeze and how it hit my light skin uncomfortably. A small tear escaped from my eye as I laid my head back against the headrest of the seat, trying my best to calm myself down and relieve myself of any stress I was putting on myself.
Delyte noticed the small movements I was making and looked up at me from her phone without me realizing. Delyte reached over from the passenger seat to cup my face in her hands and began to inch her face closer to mine until our lips met. Our tongues wrestled passionately, further melting me into the kiss and earning a blissful moan from Delyte. Delyte pulled away from the kiss bringing a thin string of saliva with her as she instantly dove in again this time climbing inside of my lap and resting her back on the steering wheel. As our makeout session continued she started peering out of the window which was next to her whilst tonguing me down. She looked back at the window with wide eyes as she grabbed me by my head and tossed us both into the passenger's seat.
Just then glass shards came raining down the driver's side seat as I winced at the loud smash the item made. Once the glass was broken the person extended their arm inside of the truck and put it in reverse. as we started to roll back the person took off their mask and it was nobody other than her.
We all screamed in terror as we saw that we were approaching a body of water and I held Delyte as she was full-on crying by now.
"We're gonna be okay.."
Was all I got out before I felt the pressure from the road to the tires of the truck ease because we were now floating. And sinking...
Aprycot Pov
"Damn..." Dee whispered as she looked at me with a sorry look. "I'm sorry I don't really know what to say, I'm not really good at this.."
"Ah, it's all good, nobody ever knows what to say. Which is probably why I don't know these things I should know.." I chuckled "Like... how to love" I sighed.
She looked at me with a very unreadable expression. "You wanna know how you feel when you love somebody? Huh? Listen to me and take very close mental notes." She told me sternly.
I hummed in response signaling her to start talking. "Well, when you see the person you love, no matter how many times you've seen them, you get anxious. You get this jittery feeling that runs through your body that quickly follows up with nervousness. You skip right along to self-doubt and question how your hair looks or if your clothes are wrinkled. You wonder if they see you how you see them..." Dee stated intensely getting closer to me.
"They get closer to you and you feel like a complete idiot for even talking to them without preparing your words so it just kinda comes out as awkward jibberish that not even you could understand. You wonder why this one motherfucker fucks you up so bad cause you never get this twisted with anyone else. You wonder what the hell they even doing talking to you, and not the next." She moved closer as she paused and then continued,
"When you love someone, every single little pinch of action or step they take pisses you the fuck off. You start to think to yourself about why the fuck they're doing what they're doing and I promise you it won't be anything major. When you love someone, you notice these little things about them, these little traits or features that just makes them that much more fucking attractive and sexy in your eyes." She paused.
"I know I love I love Myonna because she fucks me up in a way no one else can, definitely not you. I feel lost and fucked up without her and you hate that. You hate that because you don't have that, and you never had it before. So you don't know how it feels and you don't know what you keep fucking up. Fucking up love will never get you love, it'll get you killed. Because I don't know about what anyone else stands for but I get real trigger happy over the ones I love, Aprycot.
At this point, warm tears were streaming down my face as the guilt took over me. "I- I guess I never understood-"
"And I don't expect you to Aprycot; especially after all you just told me. You've never had it. How can you see things you never saw?" She asked me and I looked at her.
"I think this talk was long overdue Aprycot. I don't think we saw eye to eye before..." She said softly as she caressed my shoulder.
"I agree, I just hope you can forgive me for all the pain I put you through..." I told her as I looked away.
"Of course Aprycot, we're friends..." She cooed as she paused. "I think you're beautiful, and I also think anybody would be so lucky to have someone with such a kind and innocent soul like yours. But as for us, it would never work. At least not now or anytime soon."
"Cause the heart wants what it wants... And mine aches for Myonna..." Dee said content with herself.
"And I know Myonna can't stay with no washed up ass nigga like Erin for too long. That isn't her type and not a good enough rebound. She's not me."
"...She should be mine-" We whispered in unison and instantly looked at one another.
Us both burst into a fit of laughter and agreed, enjoying the rest of our night, talking and eating snacks. Being friends. It wasn't forced and it felt like it was meant to be. Finally, something in life my that felt smooth.
"Aye," Dee caught my attention from the mirror as I was getting Cheeto dust out of my hair.
"You should let me help you, with love... Like an umm, like a mentor..."
"I'd love that Deejanai, thank you." I smiled
And her expression welcomed me. "Now hurry back so we can watch another movie mofo!" She faked an attitude.
I waddled over and sat back down to see the movie until sleep consumed me.
I really thought I dropped a chapter in February like-
ANYWAYS, my birthday is on Wednesday (3/11) so I'm hella hyped for that. Hey, it must be love if I'm risking my birthday nails clanking my finger on this keyboard typing a chapter for all you guys. Like AHEM be grateful tf. Enough chastising, but damn can yall comment something? GAHDAMN. But see y'all real soon!
-khya 3/9/20