chapter 7

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THE GROUND WAS rocky, and uneven

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THE GROUND WAS rocky, and uneven.

The sparse foliage peaking out through the cracks of gravel and granite boulders was brown, withering. It was a fairly unsafe area to walk through, let alone to attempt to excavate.

I was standing by a small quarry, my heart stuck in my throat, and my knees shaking as I deliberated on walking up to the beautiful woman who was briefing the rest of the crew. The distance between us is telling, a part of me realised. Close, but not yet there.

Perhaps it should remain that way.

Her face was animated, and her skin flushed, but her eyes were pink from crying and the colour of her irises was dull. When she had finished speaking, she smiled weakly and turned —and met my gaze. She softly bit her lip in contemplation. But upon weighing out her options, she faltered and marched off.

Away from me.

My feet moved forward of their own accord.

"Lorenne —!" As I then called out her name, I slipped and fell on my backside into the ditch.

"Miss García, are you all right?!" someone called.

"What happened?"

"Miss García just fell!"

Everyone then seemed frantic and startled by my little accident, but there was only one person's reaction about which I cared.

Lorenne paused and turned back, staring down at me as I spat out dirt that lingered on me. Despite being upset, she rushed over and offered her hand to me. I hesitated for a moment, guilt proving to be a greater obstacle, but she encouraged me to take it.

Ear to the Serpent | ONC 2020 WINNER  ✓ [ PUBLISHED ]Where stories live. Discover now