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Ronda: how you doing banks?

Sasha has muted the chat

Brie: she's still mad at us for sending her to the mental health place but it's for the best

Aj: plus it's not creepy place or something wack

Bayley: sasha should say thank you to us cause were helping her

Liv: yes^

Sasha has unmuted the chat

Sasha: fuck you assholes

Alexa: awww does sasha miss us

Sonya: so cute

Sasha: how long I'm here for

Nikki: until you get better

Aj: so banks if you get out of there you have to get better, okay?

Sasha: fineeeee!

Sarah: so is it fun?

Sasha: hella boring

Ruby: how that place has game room and swimming pool

Sasha: that's fun but talking about my feelings is irritating

Lana: banks try talking about your feelings

Paige: yeah just try

Sasha: fine! But you guys owe me!

Natayla: we dont owe you anything

Sasha: yes you guys do! You guys forced me to do this!

Ronda: fine we owe you

Sasha: thank you

Mandy: your welcome

Sasha: ok whose your boss?

Liv: Stephanie McMahon

Sasha: not it's me you dumbasses!

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