George silently ran down the street trying to get away from his owner.
If he doesn't treat me right, then he doesn't deserve me. Tears fell from his monkey face and landed on the ground with a small plop.
It started raining and George didn't know where he was.
He quickly jumped a random fence and ended up in a small backyard joined together with two other houses.
He curled up on the blue houses porch and slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of bananas.
~Next day~
Pablo's POV
I wake up, I stretch my penguin limbs and go down to the kitchen to get some raw fish to nom on.I hear loud ass snoring coming from my porch.
I walk outside onto the freshly wet porch and see a damn monkey bitch sleeping.
I walk up to the damn monkey thing and kick it. "Yuh, hey monkey boy, you fat peice of discarded shit, get off my damn porch."
The monkey shit wakes up and started making them damn monkey noises.
"Oo ooh ah ah!" Please don't hurt me mister penguin!
I stare at the fat peice of shit and start to notice how incredibly beautiful it is. It's raunchy smell is like heaven to my nose holes. And its matted disgusting fur looks like silk, I just want to touch it.
I grab the thing and drag it into my house, up my stairs, and to my bedroom
I throw the monkey bitch on my bed and go get a towel.
George's POV
The penguin boy goes out of the room and I sit on the plushy bed with my monkey butt.
Wow, he's supe handsome mmmm
He comes back with a towel and throws it at me
I wipe away the disgusting disgust on my furry body
When suddenly I'm pinned to the bed
I look up and stare into the penguin boys eyes, they're so... Beautiful.
"LEmmE SmAsh" He says
"Oo oo ah ah" Okay
Then they had sex
The End