First Day Of Auradon Prep

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Umas pov

The horns of auradon prep sounded loudly while the voice of fairy god mother calls out to all the students.

"Bibbidy bobbity morning new campers it's a start of something new and that also means giving our new students a Royally welcomed hello from his magisty.... " the voice rolled on i grabbed two ear  plugs that was on top of my bed side with a note from mal that read

You may need these
I grabbed them quickly and put them in my ears sounding out that annoying cherpy voice. I laid back on my pillow falling back to sleep until I felt a pillow hit my head. Hey

Freddie facilar laughed got ya

*I look at her and smiled* "funny.." Freddie was the older sister of celia facilar she was a genie to apart from Harry and gil I would hang out with her did I trust the girls on the isle noway they were just as power hungry as mal and I was.

I sit up while looking at Freddie who was now dressed in a Ruby red skirt, purple polo shirt and red jacket along with her little red signiture hat that fitted just right with her side ponytail.

How you feeling about this uma you finally got what you wanted for us vk kids... I was one of the doubters in you " she admits " but you never gave up on us"

"Yeah and now everyone is together" I muttered Freddie gave me a look and sighed "and alot has changed because of it right... This dream of being where the core four got to live... Isnt what you thought it would be right?"

Shhh... I Get up and get dressed. Thanks to evie she made me some actually decent outfits for school I put on my turquoise school skirt white shirt and leather blazer and headed down with Freddie.

An hour later we made our way through the doors of auradon prep. "Bibbidy Bibbidy welcome" I  rolled my eyes how lucky was gil all summer he'd been exploring the world with Jay... He had his happy ending... So why the hell do I see him walking over to me with that big childish grin.

Uma! He runs to me and lift me up and hugged me

Still not very hugging person gil" I reminded probably because my mother the most powerful  sea witch ever she had been making legal contacts and potions for years and years since Triton banished his sisters for their evil magic. So yeah Mother wasn't very loving as you could imagine and gosh if i ever sang in front of her she'd try stealing my voice... Once we was banished however that's when it changed she just send me to the Dock to collect sea creatures for her to hmm... Ya get it I mean its ursulas fish and chips for a reason right... But living under the sea we were abit more lucky before being put in the isle I was 3 when mother was officially banished to the isle she'd tell me the story everytime I'd ask.

You see in the Disney movies the villians die in them. However our parents didn't die they just lost their power and beast ordered that all villians be banished for their crimes.

Uma uma! Gil snapped me out of my own thoughts


I said now I'm back we get to see what school is like in auradon

I shrugged not that it's fair mal evie Jay and Carlos are our age but they are now graduates...

"It's just to make sure we be wee good children in auradon" I hear Harry say behind us

Harry.... How's you and Audrey?

"Good as ever my queen" there was something in the tone of how he said that which made me think he wasn't telling the truth but heck I probably want that to be true.

"Well look the gangs back together again group hug" gil expressed happily and pulled me and Harry into a hug I smiled okay i missed them both.

So your my mother's villians daughter.

We let go of eachother and I come face to face with a black haired princess with fair skin wearing a cream school outfit.

And who is it your talking to i ask not knowing who this girl was who had interrupted us

You uma everyone knows who you are daughter of the crazy sea witch ursula

My mums not crazy! I snapped she's cleaver!

Harry put a hand on my shoulder to get me to calm down" Im fine Harry I say counting to 10 in my head

And let me guess your the daughter

I'm melody my mums granddaughter of King....

"Yeah I know his name" i cut her off. Nice to meet you I say and she looks at me puzzled

"Wait shouldn't we be enemies... Our mothers were" she mentioned

Why? Why should we continue a fued started before even your mother was born between Triton and my mother? I don't Want anything from you and even if I did... Well I'd win I grin at harry who in returned back.

Harry continued "the past is past forgive forget" he smirked

Gil added "I mean last time we were the good guys and one of you was the bad guys sometimes we are all misunderstood"

Melody looked back at me. Well I don't trust that yet. She then left and ran after someone called addie. I look at the boys who gave me a look

"Is the past in the past uma?" gil asked I shrugged it off "off course it is you guys moved on from it"

But you haven't have you" Harry finished I didn't reply after that as fairy god mother called us in there to greet us was Ben in his royal blue suite how is it Mal got to be his queen again... Erm nope not evil anymore I say to myself.

Ben gave his first day of school prep speech

I sigh "but I do need more than this"

"I need adventure"

Ben : hey uma, if your not busy pater think you could stop by my office?

I nod "course ben"

Ben smiles "good can't wait"

Freddie came over to us" hey guys this place is massive and guess what we are roomies here.

I shrugged let's just get this term over with... Why do we have to do good class 101

Gil : because they want us to be good

I gave him a look "it was rhetorical... Come on let's get to class"

End of chapter

Gils home
Harry's hiding something
What could Ben want with uma?
Do you think melody will agree to leaving the past in the past?

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