Simba walked out of the lair reluctantly. "Lets hope nothing bad happens while he's on his own." Simba thought as he looked back towards the lair. "Hello, sire." Zazu greeted. "Hello, Zazu. Anything intresting?" "Not really. Unless you want to count the zebras' panicking and running again. I heard you and Bupu got into a little argument." "Please Zazu, don't bring it up." "Uh, uh, of course, sire." Zazu stuttered. "I think you and your family will be able to return to Pride Rock soon." Zazu said trying to change the subject. "Yes." Simba said feeling guilty about what he said to Bupu. "Zazu, find Bupu. Tell him I want to apolagise for snapping at him." "Of course sire." Zazu said and flew off.
"Here he is, sire." "Thank you, Zazu." "Your Majesty. I should be the one apolagising, not you." "No Bupu, I should. I completely snapped at you." "And you had every right to. I insulted you and your son. I guess I was scared that he'd just given up on the Pride Lands and was going to let Scar win." "I can assure you, Bupu that Kion will never give up on the Pride Lands. Ever." "Your Majesty, please dont apolagise. This was all my fault. None of this was yours. I shouldn't have thought something like that so quickly." Bupu said his ears flat. "And I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn't have told you to go. Im sorry Bupu." And Im sorry, sire." Bupu said bowing his head. "Should I imform the rest of the herds about Kion?" Bupu asked. "No. I dont want to cause panic. And Im pretty sure Fuli has already done that." "Very well. Ill be back at my herd." Bupu said and walked off.
Back in the lair with Kion
Kion was having another nightmare. He was moaning softly, clenching his eyes tighter and gritting his teeth as if he was growling or something.In the nightmare
"Sting him, Sumu!" "No, please! Please!" "Its too late Kion! Say your final goodbyes!" Then Kion moaned as Sumu's stinger was put in his tail. "No! Kion!" "Dad?" He said his voice barely above a whisper. "Im here, son. You're gonna be alright." Simba said bawling at this rate. "No, Dad. Im not. I just want you to know.......I love you.....and Mom and Kiara." Ths Guard was speechless all they could do was cry at this rate. "Don't say that Kion! We're going to save you! We have to." Simba said crying his eyes out. "I love you, Daddy." Kion said. "I love you too." Simba said hugging Kion tightly. Then he died. "No. Kion, no! Come on, wake up! Please! Please." Simba said bawling not letting go of his lifeless son. (All right I admit this was a bit intense. But this is me we're talking about. I make everything in my story intense. Lol.)
Kion then woke up. He was obviously crying in his sleep as his cheeks were wet. He burst into more tears. "Could this be a sign? A sign that something else bad is gonna happen?" Kion wondered as he cried. Just then the Guard came in. "Kion, whats wrong?" Bunga asked rushing over to him, followed by the rest of the Guard. "I, I had a nightmare." Kion said trying to stop the tears. "Who died this time?" Bunga asked and Fuli smacked him. "Fuli!" "I did." Kion said his voice barely above a whisper. "What?" Fuli asked confused. "I died in my nightmare." Kion said again his voice was barely above a whisper. "It was the day I got kidnapped. The venom from Sumu was too much for me to handle. And I was saying my last words to Dad. And then-" Kion burst into tears again. Bunga put his paw on his back. "I think this happened because of what Bunga told you while ago." Fuli said looking at Bunga with a death stare. "No. I wasnt even thinking about it." Kion said. " be a warning?" Kion asked. "What do you mean?" Fuli asked. "A warning that something else bad is gonna happen." "Dont worry Kion. We're not going to let anything else bad happen to you." Fuli said. "Thanks guys." Kion lifted his paw and wiped his tears. Bunga gasped. "Kion! You just lifted your paw!" Kion smiled. Yeah! I did!" "Looks like someone's nearly better." Simba said smirking at Kion as he walked in. "Dad!" Kion said happily as he came over. Kion was tempted to try and sit up, but he knew he shouldnt. Kion nuzzled him. Suddenly Ono flew in. "Everyone! Everyone! Janja and his hyenas are back! They're by the flood plains!" "Ugh. Im soooooo in the mood to go kick Janja's tail." Simba chuckled softly. "Soon enough, you'll be able to, dont worry." Simba said rustling Kions mane. "Heh, yeah." "Lets go guys!" Fuli said and they ran out.Shortly Zazu flew into the lair. And saw Kion with his head down and his eyes closed. He wasnt asleep, he was just resting. "Sire? Is Kion awake?" "Kion?" Simba said softly in case he was asleep. "Yeah?" "Rafiki would like to check up on him." Zazu said. Kions head shot up. "Looks like someone's eager to hear what Rafiki has to say." Zazu said smiling. "Can you balme me?" "Heh, I don't. Im excited to hear what he has to say too." Simba said with a grin. "Ill go get him." Zazu said as he started to fly out. "What do you think he'll say, Dad?" Kion asked. "I dont know. But I hope he'll say you can get back out there soon." "Yeah. I miss being out there." "I bet you do." Simba said walking over and gave him a nuzzle.
Shortly Zazu and Rafiki came in. "You're looking much better Kion." Rafiki said cheerfully. "I feel better." Kion said with a smile. "Has he tried to lift his paw yet? Because if he hasn't we're in trouble." Rafiki whispered to Simba "What kind of trouble?" "Kion. You know its not right to eavesdrop." Simba said with a serious look on his face. "Uh, I can when it has to do with my health!" "Uh, uh." Simba sighed. "You win this round. Anyway. Yes he has and he has lifted it successfully." "Good. Kion, mind trying to lift your paw again?" Rafiki asked. "Ok." Kion said and lifted his paw with ease. "This might sap your energy, but I want you to see if you can sit up." Rafiki said. "Ok, I'll try." Kion said as he tried to sit up. He could do it, but his legs were tired and wobbly and were going to give way shortly. Both Rafiki and Simba saw this. "Lie back down, son. You dont have the strength yet." Kion sighed and layed back down with a frown on his face. "I know, son. I know." Simba said giving him a quick nuzzle. Then Rafiki and Simba stepped a bit away and started whispering to each other. "Kion already feels better. What he hears that he has to rest for another while, he's going to flip out." Simba said then looked back at the cub. "Yes. But as I said before, as he is a cub it will take him longer to heal." "I know, I know. Who should tell him? Me or you?" "Well he'd be less likely to lose it at you." "You're probably right. Kion?" Kions ears went flat. He knew by the tone of Simba's voice that something was bad. "You'll have to rest for another while." Simba said with a frown. "What?! No! I can't! I have animals to protect from Scar! I have to kick Janja's tail! You promised me that I would be able to soon!"
"Uh, oh. Looks like we've stumbled onto an argument." Beshte said. "Yeah. I think its about Kion not being able to come back out with us for another bit." "Bunga!! Get your backside over here now!" Fuli said sternly. "Well, you don't want to mess with the cheetah in charge." Bunga said. (Friends to the end reference. Please tell me you guys got that reference)
"I know, Kion. I know but this is what has to be done if you want to get better." Simba said calmly. "I feel fine! I want to be out there with my friends! Not cooped up in the den or in here!" "Look, Kion. You may feel fine, but your body doesn't. Its still weak from the venom." "I know. I just hate being cooped up in one place. I want to be outside." Kion said and looked down. Rafiki and Simba couldn't help but feel bad for the cub. "He's half right, Simba. He has been cooped up inside. Maybe its time we let him rest outside, allow him to be near the watering hole. Or the little forest where he and Kiara would play in. (The forest they're in at the start of can't wait to be queen.) Simba sighed. "All right. You can be by the watering hole." "Really?" "Yes. As long as you rest. If you don't, its back to Pride Rock until you've completely recovered. Got it?" "Can I still talk to my friends and the other animals?" "One step at a time. Alright?" "Ok." Kion said then sighed.Here I am again. With part 8! We are getting closer to the end unfortunately😣😣😣😔😔😔 I wish this could go on for a long time, but all things come to an end. We saw that with season 3. I dont like Vitani anymore. Anyway I hope you enjoyed see ya later.

Kion is kidnapped by the outlanders and held against his will to obey Scar
FanfictionKion is kidnapped by the outlanders and held against his will to do what Scar wants. Will Simba and The Guard be able to save Kion in time? Or will Kion die for not obeying Scar