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Chenle hasn't made any new attempts to try to set Jeno up and this seemed to be enough to shut Jaemin up about Chenle's supposed crush, but Jaemin had plenty of other things to go on about. Jeno's phone is face down on his desk as he speaks with one of his students after the last class of the day, but he doesn't have to see it to know Jaemin is currently on a texting rampage, the constant vibrations of his frantic texting.

"JEN...Oh sorry," Jaemin stops when he realizes Jeno isn't alone. "I'll wait." He silently tiptoes back out of the room.

Jeno tries to stretch this meeting as long as he possibly can, Jaemin pacing outside of his classroom door making him extremely nervous about what may come out of the smaller boy's mouth this time. Once the student leaves, he sees Jaemin give her a nice polite smile before running back in and slamming the door behind him. "YINGYUE!" Jeno stares at him blankly, waiting for more context, which he never gets.

"Yingyue?" He hates himself for asking, but his mouth is asking it before his brain can tell it to stop.

"The princess! Her name is Yingyue!!!!" Jaemin pulls out his phone and starts furiously typing. "But...nothing comes up on Google when I search for Princess Yingyue. Do you think she's from one of those tiny countries that no one really knows about except those who live there?"

"Jaemin, I'm really starting to worry about you."

"No! Listen! I heard him talk about having a date night with Yingyue and how great it was and how sweet she is! I'm telling you, what else could that mean?"

"It doesn't mean she's a princess, Jaemin."

"But it makes sense with everything else I've heard him say."

"Yes, from eavesdropping. You need to stop before it gets you into trouble, you know what they said about curiosity and the cat."

"This isn't going to kill me," Jaemin replies blankly.

"I don't know, you seemed pretty adamant about this Mr. Jingles character. I mean, what if Mr. Jingles is real? What if he found out you know about him being a mafia boss and had been spreading it around town? Do you think he'd like that much?" Jaemin begins to appear alarmed.

"Oh my god." Realization begins to form on Jaemin's face and Jeno has to fight to hide his smile.

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