Bath time Shitty Glasses

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Take a look at the picture above. Yes, that happened.
Sadly, I dont think it was shown or mentioned in the manga or the anime, So I'm making it happen in this chapter.

Levi was marching his way towards Hanji's Lab.

Yes, he had an obsession with cleaning. He cleaned the whole head quarters! That includes Hanji's Lab.

No doubt she messed her lab up in a heartbeat. But its not Hanji's lab thats the problem, its Hanji herself.

Who knows when the last time she had a bath was. She smells like hell!

Levi just kept on telling her but did she take a shower? Nope.

And as captain, it was his job to make sure the head quarters, and its soldiers, were diciplined, strong, and of course, clean.

"Four-eyes!" Levi said bursting through the door.
Yup he was right, her lab was a mess, and so was she, as usual.

"Oh hey Shorty, need something? Oh, guess what I found." Hanji said, not looking up from her microscope, until she was cut off.

"When was the last time you took a shower?" Levi asked with his usual dull tone.

"Hm..... I dont know. Maybe last week? Or was it two weeks ago?...... I dont know" Hanji replied looking up from her microscope and turning to Levi.


Levi walked behind her but her gaze followed him.
She look at him until he was close to her, and they met face to face.

"Levi?" Hanji said under her breath. But they were the only two in the room so Levi heard her.

"Turn around" Levi commanded.
Hanji did as she was told, even though bit was kind of a weird request.

"Sure, why?" Hanji asked obeying the strange order.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain behind her head.
Something hard smacked the back of her head.
Then, Levi knocked her out cold.

"Tch, filthy shitty glasses" Levi commented before taking Hanji by the collar of her jacket and dragged her away.

She was heavy, but nothing he cant handle. They got a few stares from a few soldiers down the hall, but Levi couldn't care less, his main priority now, was to wash shitty glasses.

Eventually, they got to the bathroom. Levi gently put Hanji's unconcious body aside.

He turned on the tubs faucet and the water started running. He gathered up the stuff he needs like shampoo and soap.

He turned the water off when the bath tub was full, and locked the door just in case anyone would accidentally walk in on them.

And now....... For shitty glasses.
(birthday suit alert, I'm warning you)

He knelt down to her level since he left her out cold on the ground.
He started by taking off her glasses and letting her hair down from a tangled, messy, ponytail.

Then he took off her jacket, and undid her harnesses, and took off her boots.
This was harder than it sounds, especially if the person is taller than you, and unconcious.

He went over to a hook on the wall to hang up her jacket and her harnesses.

He looked back at her and realized......... Who the hell is that?
Hanji looks totally different with her hair down, and without glasses or her jacket and harnesses.

But it was still the same filthy mad woman.
And now for the rest of her clothes.
(I dont want to describe this part, and I kinda do want to at the same time.......>/////<) (Ima do it anyway)

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