When you beat him at something

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He said that you couldn't make him horny without touching him. You stripped and he lost that bet. But in the end, you both won.😏
You beat him in a race and he won't admit that your better than him. He still thinks you cheated even though your werewolf speed is faster than his.
You beat him at his own player game. He thought you didn't know anything about it. But you played just as well as him and that maybe him love you more.
You beat him at lacrosse. He was mad when it happened. But a couple hours later he was proud of you. He taught you well.
You beat him in a werewolf fight. He got up and smirked at you. He nodded his head and said that you were an amazing fighter now.
You beat him in his video games. He was shocked. Nobody has ever beaten him before you did. So you hold the title as champion.

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