Chapter Nineteen

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"WHAT?!" Everybody gasped.

"Clever. She's right and she figured it out." Darkst—Tornado hissed. Whiteout stepped in suddenly and flowed gracefully up to Darkstalker. Their scales ripples into a muted, nice white just like Sunbeam's and all the other CloudWings' scales.

"We have already taken over all the tribes. Pantala and Pyrriah are clutched in our talons and there is nothing you can do."

"Well, you know that since you are a CloudWIng in real life, you'd know what we're capable of. But I've been charging up for the past months and mine will be more powerful than yours."

"Well, as long as I have you here, you can't do it. You're helpless here even with all of your friends."

"Not all of them are trapped." A voice came from behind Whiteout and Darkstalker.

"Rainbow! Lightstreak!" Sunbeam cried in relief.

Tornado and Sunbeam's mother whipped around with a snarl on their face.

"Don't mess with our friend." Growled Lightstreak, standing heroically next to Rainbow who was lashing her tail.

"I never liked you two...." Tornado hissed. 

"We know." Rainbow hissed back. "But then again, we never liked you either. And now you're trying to take control of both continents and every dragon. And we can beat you and you know it. You should've stayed as yourself."

Everyone next to Sunbeam had confused faces. 

By now, Sunbeam was struggling to get out. She had to help her friends.

"Everyone!" Whispered Moonwatcher, "get Sunbeam down with your fire!"

"What about burning her?" Asked Qibli nervously. 

"I have fire proof scales. You can do it." Assured Sunbeam, starting to blow fire on her chains. 

Fog turned around. 

"Trying to escape are we?" Said Fog. She gave a devious smile and marched up to Sunbeam. Staring hard into Sunbeam's eyes, Fog unclicked Sunbeam's chains. Sunbeam shook out her paws and rubbed them. 

Tilting her head, Fog produced an evil smiled. Sunbeam lashed her tail; she couldn't believe she was about to fight her mother that she's barely even met before. 

"Mother...I don't even know who you are. And you don't know who I am. And now we're fighting? Do you even want to do this?"

"Yes, I do want to do all of this." Fog hissed with true passion. "Now stop talking and let's see what you are."

Growling furiously, Sunbeam leaped at Fog, noticing that Lightstreak and Rainbow were fighting Tornado. 

Sunbeam slashed at Fog's face and flared her wings in front of her eyes to distract her. 

Fog snarled as siliva lashed around and she body slammed into Sunbeam, knocking her to the ground. Sunbeam grunted in pain and flared her claws at Fog. Scrambling up to her feet, Sunbeam rammed into Fog and pushed her back and back until Fog and Sunbeam crashed into Tornado. Stomping down against the rough cave floor, Fog leaped back up and charged at Sunbeam. 

The two stumbled and toppled against each other and the ground. Qibli, Kinkajou, Treeleaf and Moon were all trying to get out of their chains and Rainbow and Lightstreak had hobbled back to their talons, ready to fight Darkstalker again. 

Clutching Sunbeam's throat, Fog spread her wings and in an instant, the two shot through the cave ceiling. 

Sunbeam watched with wide eyes and horror as the two went up and up toward the clouds, Sunbeam staring down at where they were with utter shock. 

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Every surviving dragon and dragonet were surrounding that one tiny cave in the middle of Pantala. They all had black eyes and everyone was poised in a fierce stance. Sunbeam extended her talons, losing her breath every second, and stabbed Fog in the chest. Gushing further into Fog's chest, Sunbeam growled and Fog cried in pain, releasing Sunbeam. 

Falling fast and hard, Sunbeam frantically flapped in the air until she regained stability and balance and flew like a bullet above the lifeless dragons on the ground.

"What the moons?" Sunbeam gasped. Glancing back, she saw Fog recovering and charging back down to Sunbeam. 

"What did you do to all of these innocent dragons and dragonets?" Sunbeam roared charging back at Fog. 

"They're under our rule now and we are in control of every. Single. Dragon." Fog gleamed. The two clashed. 

Enraged of what Sunbeam's parents had done...Sunbeam clutched onto Fog's neck and dove down and down. 

"ATTACK!" Fog demanded. No dragon moved.

"Looks like your own mate didn't trust you into having control over these dragons. That's too bad." Hissed Sunbeam. 

Fog widened her eyes and growled furiously. The ground was coming closer and closer and closer until...boom.

Fog and Sunbeam slammed in the cave, crumbling the walls of the cave and making it fall and sink down on top of everybody. 

Coughing and sputtering, Sunbeam laid under the crushing boulders, trying to stay conscious. 

Bad move. Thought Sunbeam, trying to keep her eyes open. But then suddenly, the rocks lifted and hovered for many seconds. Until, they disintegrated into ashes. 

Barely hobbling up to her talons, Sunbeam noticed that Moon, Kinkajou and Rainbow were unconscious but free from their chains. Fluttering her tired eyes over to Treeleaf and Qibli, Sunbeam noticed they were also trying to get up, same as Lightstreak. 

Tornado was standing without a scratch on him in the middle of all the ashes and dragons. Fog was knocked out hard on the floor. 

Why isn't he using his animus powers to heal Fog? Wondered Sunbeam, her wings sagging. Because he doesn't need her as apart of the plan anymore.

"Idiot dragonets." Blustered Tornado. Thousands of dragons were surrounding the wounded friends. 

It's time to complete your mission, Sunbeam. She thought. She needed to be in the clouds...with Tornado. Limping toward Tornado, Treeleaf, Lightstreak and Sunbeam broke into a run and charged at Tornado.

"Lightstreak! You--" started Sunbeam. 

"I know what to do." Nodded Lightsreak with a weak but reassuring smile. 

"Treeleaf, help me get him up to the clouds, no matter what." 

Treeleaf nodded and sped up his pace. 

"Attack." Said Tornado dryly...and also kind of in a monotonous way. Every dragon advanced. Every. Dragon. RainWings, SandWings, SeaWings, NightWings, MudWings, LeafWings, SilkWings, HiveWings...but no IceWings. Tornado did really wipe out the IceWing tribe. Why them? For show, to convince everyone that Tornado was Darkstalker but Sunbeam had figured it out and ruined his plan. 

Creator, help us. We need your assistance. Send something down to help us. Pleaded Sunbeam, turning around to face the charging dragons. 

A burly LeafWing leaped in the air and reached out his claws, aiming for Sunbeam. Grazing her face, the LeafWing's talons barely missed Sunbeam as she ducked away in time. But the LeafWing didn't take a time to pause. He slid over and clutched Sunbeam by the neck. Choking, Sunbeam gasped for air but didn't find it. She whipped her eyes all around until she caught them on Treeleaf who was pinned to the ground by a massive MudWing and Lightstreak had talons gashed in his leg as he tried to fight a strong female NightWing. 

Gasping for one last desperate breath, Sunbeam's eyes started to droop and death became closer.... 

Sunbeam dropped to the floor and she suddenly took that breath back. She opened her eyes and noticed that the LeafWing lay dead on the ground and Qibli was standing with his tail poised and his teeth barred. 

"Sunbeam! Are you alright?" Frantic Qibli asked, sliding over to Sunbeam's side and helping her up. Weakly, Sunbeam nodded.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"Of course." Said Qibli. "Maybe you should sit this one out."

"No way. Thanks though. But Lightstreak and Treeleaf need help." Sunbeam objected. Reluctantly, Qibli nodded but wasted no more time. He rammed into the MudWing that captured Treeleaf under his claws. That meant, Sunbeam went for the female NightWing.

Sunbeam sank her talons into the NightWing's chest and neck until she roared in pain and released her own claws out of Lightstreak's leg. 

The NightWing hissed and retreated back into the enclosing circle. Frantically, Sunbeam leaped over to Moon, Rainbow and Kinkajou who were still out on the ground and she carried them into the group who were huddled close together as the dragons slowly advanced. 

This is it. Sunbeam thought. Tornado was really going to kill them all and take over the world. RainWings pushed up front and opened their mouths, ready to aim and kill the group. Others' were ready for backup if a few or one managed to survive from the venom. Dragons hovered above the frightened friend group so they wouldn't escape from flying either. 

Sunbeam closed her eyes. 

At least we tried.

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